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When actor and activist Michael Sheen brought the Homeless World Cup to Cardiff in 2019, the event was billed as an opportunity to build a long-las...
On Wednesday 6 November, the Senedd will debate the challenges EU citizens continue to face almost four years since the UK left the EU.
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will no longer run cafes and shops at its visitor centres, and will close its physical library service as part of a d...
In January 2024 a report into the culture at South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) revealed “serious deficiencies” in the service including the...
The Children, Young People and Education Committee explored the whether disabled children and young people have equal access to childcare and educa...
Ahead of the Senedd debate on the Petitions Committee report, “A cashless society?”, we’re setting out some relevant background information as well...
Today is GCSE results day for learners across Wales. This year, there has been a return to the way exams were sat and grades issued prior to the C...
A growing number of people in Wales are seeking a diagnosis for ADHD or autism. Many health boards have seen a substantial rise in referrals to neu...
Most learners in Wales will receive their A level results today. This is the third year learners have sat externally marked exams since their cance...
Our previous article looked at how the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill will affect children and young people. This article looks at its impact...
Every three seconds, someone in the world dies of sepsis. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can arise from any infection. It remains one...
It’s crucial for effective policymaking. It supports good decisions, and according to Sherlock Holmes it’s a capital mistake to theorise without it...
The first report from the UK Covid-19 Inquiry on pandemic preparedness will be published at 12pm today. The report promises to shed light on the pr...
On 22 October the Senedd will decide whether a new law that makes changes to children’s and adults’ health and social care will move a step closer...
Welsh Government transport policy hasn’t been far from the headlines recently. The 20mph default speed limit policy led to the biggest petition in...
Crisis, the national homelessness charity, is proud to share this exhibition created by members of Crisis Skylight South Wales. It emphasises that...
From Migration to Resilience tells the story of forced migration and of lives rebuilt after the expulsion of Asians from Uganda in 1972; and celebr...
Evidence session with the Welsh Rugby Union
Children across Wales are being left vulnerable to exploitation by gangs, according to a Senedd report.
There should be more social homes available for people in Wales, according to a Senedd Committee report out today.
Firefighters have been let down by the people responsible for the governance of fire and rescue services, according to a Senedd Committee.
In the lead up to the election, here are all the key dates you need to know.
The Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs is a voluntary youth organisation operating bilingually throughout rural Wales. Over 5,000 young people...
Discover how the chairs are elected to Senedd Committees.
Mae Cymru mewn argyfwng. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae tai haf wedi dod yn bla yn ein cymunedau ni, gyda thai bach fforddiadwy'n cael ei chipio o...
Mae gormod o gynghorau a chyrff cyhoeddus eraill yng Nghymru yn darparu cyfathrebiadau o amryw fath naill ai yn uniaith Saesneg neu gyda chyfieithi...
Stop the planned cuts by the Welsh Government to the National Library of Wales, one of the world’s great libraries and the Fort Knox of Wales’s li...
Mae dros fil o swyddi cymorthyddion heb eu llenwi ar hyn o bryd sydd yn 4.8% o'i gymharu a holl swyddi eraill Cymru sydd ar 3.4%. Cyfartaledd cyflo...
Geirfa’r Gyfraith: Bil yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru) Cyflwyniad Mae’r ddogfen hon yn rhoi crynodeb o’r termau technegol a deddfwriaethol Cymraeg sy’n gysylltiedig â...
Research Service Legislative Glossary J u l y 2 0 1 3 R e s e a r c h S e r v i c e | 1 Legislative Glossary Education...
Geirfa’r Gyfraith Bil Rheoleiddio ac Arolygu Gofal Cymdeithasol (Cymru) Cyflwyniad Mae’r ddogfen hon yn rhoi crynodeb o’r termau technegol a deddfwriaethol Cymraeg sy’n...
Research Service Legislative Glossary F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 R e s e a r c h S e r v i c e | 1 Welsh Legislative Glossary R...