People who live alone without family members nearby are suffering due to not being able to see/meet with family members
| Date submitted 17 June 2020
Due to covid19 all sporting venues, parks & play areas have closed indoor and outdoor for over 100 days now, and its time that we now need a clear...
| Date submitted 30 June 2020
Stop Minimum price for alcohol. The people of Wales have NOT voted for this STUPID Law. There is NO evidence anywhere in world that this works. All...
64 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
give members to Hold a Motion of No Confidence of the Welsh labour government, as there has been no leadership though out this pandemic and no lead...
| Date submitted 16 August 2020
During the current regional lockdown members to sporting clubs were outdoor activities can be carried out safely should be allowed by the Welsh Gov...
| Date submitted 09 October 2020
The movement for an independent Wales is rapidly gaining momentum and members. The treatment of Wales and its people by the UK Parliament is rankli...
| Date submitted 16 October 2020
I want gyms to stay open as they are as essential as shops for people's mental health and also wellbeing.
| Date submitted 20 October 2020
Salons have not had cases traced back to them. Due to the amount of PPE they have been made to wear. If the PPE works. Why close them?
Wales are w...
| Date submitted 26 October 2020
Schools are a breeding ground for germs an with the large class sizes in place more blended learning to keep class sizes smaller is needed
| Date submitted 04 November 2020
We call on the National Assembly to urge the Welsh Government to:
• raise awareness among the public, third sector organisations and statutory age...
125 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
There is no Chronic Fatigue Department in the whole of Wales! Chronic Fatigue is being overlooked or thought of as depression. I would like to see...
155 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
Students throughout Wales have suffered enough strain on their education without the added pressure of self-isolation within year groups. Covid sho...
2088 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to urgently increase tree cover to help address this climate emergency & th...
4435 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
While there is a cap on public sector pay rises, the MS’s should lead by example and should not be given a pay rise of 2.4%
| Date submitted 16 December 2020
Despite public sector workers getting a pay freeze, Senedd politicians are to receive a 2.4% pay rise after May’s elections.
We the undersigned...
| Date submitted 17 December 2020