Negative Reference to people from abroad is all to often used to get cheap votes. Brexit was won on this. It is socially damaging & based on untrut...
| Date submitted 15 July 2021
Between September and December 2020, we were able to bring face to face classes back to indoor settings, fully following Welsh Government Legislati...
1756 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
Many of our historic church buildings, including some of the most important ones in Wales are usually locked outside of worship times. Most of the...
| Date submitted 19 August 2021
Our urban areas have become increasingly covered in concrete, and the trees left over are slowly disappearing one by one. These trees are hardly ev...
| Date submitted 02 June 2021
We call on the Welsh Parliament to conduct a full public independent investigation, so Glyn’s family can finally get clarity on the events surround...
834 Signatures | Referred to the Petitions Committee
The Welsh Government has long held the ambition of becoming a 'Nation of Sancturary'.
| Date submitted 17 November 2021
We call on the Welsh Assembly to ask the Welsh Government to introduce a scheme to help responsible owners of companion animals access face to face...
95 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
The Senedd of Wales is asked to take an important step to combat traffic and pollution
| Date submitted 04 November 2021
People who get into their car in an “amber” country, such as Germany, and drive non-stop to Calais do not set foot on French soil, don’t breathe Fr...
| Date submitted 31 July 2021
There are many intensive poultry units in Wales. Powys has the unfortunate reputation of being one of the IPU hot spots. There have been 147 IPU ap...
4347 Signatures | Referred to the Petitions Committee
1. Introduce an immediate moratorium of any new intensive poultry units in the Wye and Severn catchment areas located in Wales.
2. Strictly cont...
118 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee
On the 22nd of December 2022, the Scottish Parliament passed its Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, allowing for self-ID for transgender ci...
| Date submitted 22 December 2022
We believe the Welsh Government should include in upcoming legislation a statutory aim that every young person in Wales will be educated through th...
1505 Signatures | Referred to the Petitions Committee
There are around 1,400 children and young people with type 1 diabetes in Wales. Children living with such disabilities need support in school to ma...
347 Signatures | Referred to the Petitions Committee
Welsh communities continue to lose community assets such as pubs and sports grounds at an alarming rate. Unlike England & Scotland, Welsh communiti...
655 Signatures | Completed by the Petitions Committee