Making a Complaint

Published 16/04/2024   |   Last Updated 19/06/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

This page tells you what complaints I can investigate and how I will deal with your complaint.

What can I investigate?

If you make a complaint to me, I can only investigate it if you allege that the conduct of a Member of the Senedd broke one of the following provisions -

your complaint –

  • is be made in writing;
  • states your name;
  • states your postal or email address (unless you are a Member);
  • is about the alleged conduct of a named Member;
  • state the acts or omissions of that Member which you say breached the one of these provisions;
  • in relation to each alleged act or omission is supported by sufficient evidence to satisfy me that (i) the conduct complained of may have taken place and (ii) if proved, might amount to a breach of one of these provisions; and
  • it is made within six months from the date of the conduct complained of, unless you satisfy me that there was good cause for the delay.


What can’t I investigate?

I cannot investigate complaints about –

  • the standard of service and outcomes received from a Member eg claims that a Member has not replied to correspondence, or has not done what you asked– the remedy for poor service is through the ballot box;
  • anything that took place during a plenary session of the Senedd or in one of its Committees – complaints about such conduct should be sent by email to the Llywydd or to the Committee Chair such complaints should be sent to or by post to Llywydd, Senedd Cymru, Cardiff Bay  CF99 1SN or to the Clerk of the appropriate Committee whose email and postal addresses are available at
  • the conduct of a Member whilst acting exclusively in their ministerial capacity - complaints about such conduct should be sent by email to or by post to First Minister, 5th Floor Ty Hywel, Cardiff Bay CF99 1SN;
  • the Welsh Government – complaints about such conduct or Welsh Government policies should be sent by email to or by post to Complaints Advice Team, Welsh Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ.


What happens when I receive your complaint?

Your complaint will be handled in accordance with the Procedure for Dealing with Complaints against Member of the Senedd. All personal data you provide will be processed in accordance with my Privacy Notice.

I will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within two working days and send a copy of it (with your address deleted), and any supporting documentation you provided, to the Member complained about.

My first task will be to decide if your complaint is one that I can investigate.  If it is not, I will tell you why it is not admissible.  If it is one that I can investigate, I will tell you that I have started my investigation of it.

During my investigation it is likely that I will interview you and any witnesses whom you identify and obtain any relevant documents.  I will also interview the Member.  After that, I will consider all the evidence and submit a report to the Standards of Conduct Committee giving my opinion on whether or not the complaint should be upheld.  The Committee will decide if there has been any breach and, if there has, will recommend to the Senedd the sanction, if any, that should be imposed.  The final decision is for the Senedd.


What is the best way to submit your complaint?

Complaints should be made to the Senedd Commissioner for Standards, at the following address:

Commissioner for Standards
Welsh Parliament
Cardiff Bay
CF99 1SN

email address:

Direct dial telephone number 0300 200 6542

there is a downloadable form or submit your complaint using the Complaints Form on line.


Further Information

Further information is available in the Guidance on the Code of Conduct for Members of the Senedd and the Dignity and Respect Policy – Accompanying Guidance on Inappropriate Behaviour.

I cannot give you advice about whether or not you should make a complaint but if you want further information about the complaints process or the work of my office you can –

  • write to me at Standards Commissioner, Pierhead, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA;
  • email me at; or
  • phone my office on 0300 200 6539.