People of the Senedd

Heledd Fychan MS

Heledd Fychan MS

Senedd Regional Member

Plaid Cymru

Plaid Cymru Group

South Wales Central

My Senedd Activities

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact on Wales of the expected 5 per cent real terms reduction in its capital budget over the period 2024-25 to 2028-29 as a result o...

Tabled on 16/07/2024

Add as new point after point 3 and renumber accordingly: Regrets: a) that the rural communities of Wales have lost £243 million despite a commitment of 'not a penny less' from the previ...

For debate on 11/07/2024

Add as new sub-point at end of point 4: secure with the UK Government a budget of over £500 million each year for agriculture which takes inflation into account, to ensure that the indus...

For debate on 11/07/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the implications to Wales of the new Chancellor of the Exchequer's assessment that UK public finances are under the worst set of circumstanc...

Tabled on 10/07/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary explain how the Welsh Government has been able to provide additional funding to protect and preserve Wales's national treasures?

Tabled on 10/07/2024

Add as new points at end of motion: Regrets the lack of clear targets and measurable reporting on outcomes. Calls on the Welsh Government to provide: a) more information about how it m...

For debate on 10/07/2024

More information and calendar events

Detailed information: Heledd Fychan MS


Key interests and achievements

Heledd's main interests are culture, history and heritage; ensuring action on the climate emergency and eradicating child poverty; and ensuring that everyone has the right to learn and use the Welsh language.

Personal history

Heledd was raised in Anglesey, where she attended Ysgol Gynradd y Talwrn and Ysgol David Hughes. She studied History and Politics at Trinity College, Dublin, and served as Education Sabbatical Officer at the Trinity College Students’ Union, and then as Education Sabbatical Officer for the Union of Students in Ireland. She holds a Master’s degree in Medieval History from Bangor University. Heledd lives in Pontypridd with her husband and their son.

Professional background

Prior to her election, Heledd had worked for 12 years at the National Museum Wales, serving as Head of Policy and Public Affairs, and leading on governance, strategy, internal communications, international relations and stakeholder engagement. She served on the board of the Museums Association, and chaired both its Ethics Committee and its Nations Committee. She also represented the organisation as a guest speaker at a number of international conferences. Prior to that, Heledd worked for the Plaid Cymru group in Westminster.

Political history

In 2017, Heledd was elected to represent the Pontypridd Town ward on Rhondda Cynon Taf Council, as well as Pontypridd Town Council. Since being elected, she has led and supported a number of prominent local campaigns, such as calling for an independent inquiry into the devastating floods of 2020, saving the Accident and Emergency Unit at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, and opposing changes to schools in the Pontypridd area.


Terms of office

  1. 08/05/2021 -

View Current Register of Interests

Cross Party Membership


Media Assets

Calendar events: Heledd Fychan MS