13/10/2015 - Business Statement and Announcement

Published 13/10/2015   |   Last Updated 13/10/2015

​Business Statement and Announcement

Plenary agendas are published a week in advance of a meeting, and can be found on the Plenary meetings page

Tuesday 20 October 2015 and Wednesday 21 October 2015

Recess: Monday 26 October 2015 – Sunday 1 November 2015

Tuesday 3 November 2015 and Wednesday 4 November 2015

Tuesday 10 November 2015 and Wednesday 11 November 2015


Tuesday 20 October 2015 

Government Business

  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)
  • The Microchipping of Dogs (Wales) Regulations 2015 (15 mins)
  • Debate on the General Principles of the Historic Environment (Wales) Bill (60 mins)
  • Debate on the Financial Resolution of the Historic Environment (Wales) Bill (5 mins)
  • Debate on the General Principles of the Environment (Wales) Bill (60 mins)
  • Debate on the Financial Resolution of the Environment (Wales) Bill (5 mins)
  • Debate on the Welsh Government's response to the Welsh Language Commissioner's Annual Report (60 mins)
  • Stage 4 debate on the Local Government (Wales) Bill (15 mins)


Wednesday 21 October 2015

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Counsel General (45 mins)


Assembly Business

  • Questions to the Assembly Commission (30 mins)
  • Debate on the Health and Social Care Committee's report on the inquiry into alcohol and substance misuse (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - Lynne Neagle (Torfaen) (30 mins)


Tuesday 3 November 2015 

Government Business

  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)
  • Statement by the Minister for Public Services on: Delivering for our Armed Forces and their families (30 mins)
  • Statement by the Deputy Minister for Farming and Food on: The TB Eradication Programme (30 mins)
  • Rent Smart Wales – Code of Practice (Statutory Obligations and Best Practice Guide), as a result of Consultation – Part 1 Housing (Wales) Act 2014 (30 mins)
  • Debate on the Equality and Human Rights Commission Wales Annual Review 2014 – 2015 (60 mins)


Wednesday 4 November 2015

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills (45 mins)


Assembly Business

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Liberal Democrats (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - Jenny Rathbone (Cardiff Central) (30 mins)


Tuesday 10 November 2015 

Government Business

  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)
  • Stage 3 debate on the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill (180 mins)


Wednesday 11 November 2015

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Natural Resources (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty (45 mins)


Assembly Business

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - Altaf Hussain (South Wales West) (30 mins)