18/09/2007 - Business Statement and Announcement

Published 06/06/2014   |   Last Updated 06/06/2014

Business Statement and Announcement

Tuesday 25 September & Wednesday 26 September 2007

Tuesday 2 October & Wednesday 3 October 2007

Tuesday 9 October & Wednesday 10 October 2007

Tuesday 25 September 2007Government Business 2.00 - 5.30pm:
  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)
  • Statement on Structural Funds (60 mins)
  • Statement on Progress report on the Welsh Assembly Government’s Legislation (45 mins)  
  • Statement on English Language Theatre (30 mins)
Wednesday 26 September 2007Government Business 12.30 - 2.00pm:
  • Questions to the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (30 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (30 mins)
Assembly and Non - Government Business 2.00 - 5.30pm:
  • Welsh Conservatives Debate (120 mins)
  • Welsh Liberal Democrats Debate (60 mins)
  • Voting Time
  • Short Debate (30 mins)


Tuesday 2 October 2007Government Business 2.00 - 5.30pm:
  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)
  • Statement on Human Rights Development (30 mins)
  • Statement on Welsh Assembly Government Transport Priorities (30 mins)
  • Take Note Debate on the Wales Spatial Plan Consultation (45 mins)
Wednesday 3 October 2007Government Business 12.30 - 2.00pm:
  • Questions to the Counsel General (30 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs (30 mins)
Assembly and Non - Government Business 2.00 - 5.30pm:
  • Welsh Conservatives Debate (120 mins)
  • Welsh Liberal Democrats Debate (60 mins)
  • Voting Time
  • Short Debate (30 mins)


Tuesday 9 October 2007Government Business 2.00 - 5.30pm:
  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)
  • Statement on School Curriculum Consultation (45 mins)
  • Take Note Debate on the Sustainable Development consultation (60 mins)
Wednesday 10 October 2007Government Business 12.30 - 2.00pm:
  • Questions to the Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing (30 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Heritage (30 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government (30 mins)   
Assembly and Non - Government Business 2.00 - 5.30pm:
  • Questions to the Commission (30 mins)
  • Debate on Ann Jones’ Proposed  Legislative Competence Order (90 mins)
  • Welsh Conservatives Debate (60 mins)
  • Voting Time
  • Short Debate (30 mins)