18/11/2014 - Business Statement and Announcement

Published 18/11/2014   |   Last Updated 18/11/2014

Plenary agendas are published a week in advance of a meeting, and can be found on the Plenary meetings page


Tuesday 25 November 2014 and Wednesday 26 November 2014

Tuesday 2 December 2014 and Wednesday 3 December 2014

Tuesday 9th December 2014 and Wednesday 10th December 2014


Tuesday 25 November 2014  

Government Business 

  • First Minister's Oral Assembly Questions (45 mins)
  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)
  • Motion under Standing Order 16.5 to Establish an Assembly Committee (5 mins)
  • Statement by the Minister for Public Services: The Anti-Slavery Co-ordinator's Annual Report (30 mins)
  • Statement by the Deputy Minister for Health: Immunisation Progress and Vaccinations (30 mins)
  • Statement by the Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology: Jobs Growth Wales Future Programme (30 mins)
  • LCM on the Consumer Rights Bill: Amendment in relation to Letting Agency Fees (15 mins)
  • LCM on the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill – provisions relating to education and training (15 mins)
  • Debate on the General Principles of the Gender-based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Bill (60 mins)
  • Motion to agree the financial resolution in respect of the Gender-based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Bill (5 mins)
  • Debate: The Impact of the UK Government's Welfare Reforms in Wales (60 mins) 

Wednesday 26 November 2014 

Government Business 

  • Questions to the Minister for Natural Resources (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty (45 mins) 

Assembly Business 

  • Debate on the Enterprise and Business Committee's Follow-up report into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Skills (60 mins)
  • Stage 1 Debate on the Financial Education and Inclusion (Wales) Bill (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - Nick Ramsay (Monmouthshire) (30 mins)
  • Short Debate - Darren Millar (Clwyd West) (30 mins) - postponed from Wednesday 19 November 

Tuesday 2 December 2014  

Government Business 

  • First Minister's Oral Assembly Questions (45 mins)
  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)
  • Statement by the Minister for Education and Skills: Introduction of the Qualifications (Wales) Bill (60 mins)
  • Statement by the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport: Science in Wales – Inspiring the next generation (30 mins)
  • Debate: The Impact of Procurement Policy in Wales (60 mins)
  • Debate: Substance Misuse Strategy Annual Report 2014 (60 mins)

Wednesday 3 December 2014 

Government Business 

  • Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Counsel General (15 mins) 

Assembly Business 

  • Questions to the Assembly Commission (15 mins)
  • Statement by Kirsty Williams: Introduction of a Member proposed Bill - Safe Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Bill (30 mins)
  • Debate by Individual Members under Standing Order 11.21(iv) (60 mins)
  • Debate on the Enterprise and Business Committee's Report on the Welsh Government's approach to the promotion of trade and inward investment (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - William Graham (South Wales East) (30 mins) 

Tuesday 9th December 2014  

Government Business

  • First Minister's Oral Assembly Questions (45 mins)
  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)
  • The Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2014 (30 mins)
  • The Keeping and Introduction of Fish (Wales) Regulations 2014 (15 mins)
  • LCM on the Modern Slavery Bill - provisions relating to child trafficking advocates, guidance about identifying and supporting victims and presumption of age (15 mins)
  • LCM on the Serious Crime Bill (15 mins)
  • Debate: The Final Budget 2015-16 (60 mins)
  • Debate on the General Principles of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill (60 mins)
  • Motion to agree the financial resolution in respect of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill (5 mins) 

Wednesday 10th December 2014 

Government Business 

  • Questions to the Minister for Finance and Government Business (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Minister for Public Services (45 mins) 

Assembly Business 

  •  Debate on the Health and Social Care Committee's report on its inquiry into progress made to date on implementing the Welsh Government's Cancer Delivery Plan (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (120 mins)
  • Short Debate - William Powell (Mid and West Wales) (30 mins)