24/10/2017 - Business Statement and Announcement

Published 24/10/2017   |   Last Updated 26/10/2017

​Business Statement and Announcement

Plenary agendas are published a week in advance of a meeting, and can be found on the Plenary meetings page


Tuesday 7th November 2017

Government Business

  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)
  • Statement by the Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language: Our Valleys, Our Future: Delivery Plan (45 mins)
  • Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children: Remembering our Armed Forces – Honouring Past Sacrifices and Supporting the Armed Forces Community (45 mins)
  • Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs: The Food and Drink Industry (30 mins)
  • Motion to vary the order of consideration of Stage 3 amendments to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill (5 mins)
  • Proposal to debate the following items together but with separate votes (15 mins):
    • The Regulated Services (Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2017
    • The Regulated Services (Annual Returns) (Wales) Regulations 2017
  • The Official Statistics (Wales) Order 2017 (15 mins)
  • Debate: The Children's Commissioner for Wales' Annual Report 2016-17 (60 mins)


Wednesday 8th November 2017

Government Business

  • Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Topical Questions (20 mins)
  • 90 Second Statements (5 mins)
  • Statement by the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee: Inquiry into Care Experienced Children and Young People (30 mins)
  • Debate by Individual Members under Standing Order 11.21(iv) (60 mins)
  • Debate on the Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee report: Turning the tide? Report of the inquiry into the Welsh Government's approach to Marine Protected Area management (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - David J Rowlands (South Wales East)– (30 mins)


Tuesday 14th November 2017

Government Business

  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)
  • Debate: Tackling Substance Misuse (60 mins)
  • Debate: The Welsh Language Commissioner's Annual Report 2016-17 (60 mins)
  • Debate: Stage 3 of the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill (120 mins)

Wednesday 15th November 2017

Government Business

  • Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Counsel General (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Topical Questions (20 mins)
  • 90 Second Statements (5 mins)
  • Debate on the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report: Digital Infrastructure in Wales  (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the United Kingdom Independence Party (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - Neil Hamilton (Mid and West Wales) – (30 mins)


Tuesday 21st November 2017

Government Business

  • Questions to the First Minister (45 mins)
  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)
  • Debate: The Equality and Human Rights Commission Annual Review 2016-17 (60 mins)
  • Debate: Stage 4 of the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill (15 mins)
  • Debate: Stage 3 of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill (180 mins)

Wednesday 22nd November 2017

Government Business

  • Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs (45 mins)
  • Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Topical Questions (20 mins)
  • 90 Second Statements (5 mins)
  • Debate by Individual Members under Standing Order 11.21(iv) (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)
  • Short Debate - Llyr Gruffydd (North Wales)– (30 mins)