25/03/2014 - Business Statement and Announcement

Published 12/06/2014   |   Last Updated 12/06/2014

Business Statement and Announcement

Tuesday 1 April 2014 and Wednesday 2 April 2014

Recess: Monday 7 April 2014 – Sunday 27 April 2014

Tuesday 29 April 2014 and Wednesday 30 April 2014

Tuesday 6 May 2014 and Wednesday 7 May 2014


Tuesday 1 April 2014

Government Business

  • First Minister’s Oral Assembly Questions (45 mins)

  • Questions to the Minister for Culture and Sport (45 mins)

  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Education and Skills: The Welsh Government's Review into English GCSE January 2014 Results (45 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Natural Resources and Food: Progress towards Delivering Growth, an Action Plan for the Food and Drink Industry in Wales (30 mins)

  • The Public Bodies (Abolition of the Committee on Valuation) Order 2014 (15 mins)

  • Motion to agree the general principles of the Housing (Wales) Bill (60 mins)

  • Motion to agree the financial resolution in respect of the Housing (Wales) Bill (5 mins)

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills (45 mins)

  • Questions to the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Motion to amend Schedule 1 of the National Assembly for Wales (Remuneration) Measure (2010) (5 mins)

  • Motion under Standing Order 10.5 to appoint the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (15 mins)

  • Debate on the Environment and Sustainability Committee’s Report on its Inquiry into Invasive Non Native Species (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Liberal Democrats (60 mins)

  • Short Debate - Aled Roberts (North Wales) (30 mins)

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Government Business

  • First Minister’s Oral Assembly Questions (45 mins)

  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology: Welsh and UK Government Alignment of Employment Support (30 mins)

  • Debate: The approval of the draft ‘Children’s Rights Scheme 2014’ under the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011 (60 mins)

  • Debate: The Wales Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (60 mins)

  • Debate: The Second Report of the Silk Commission on Devolution in Wales (60 mins)

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Natural Resources and Food (45 mins)

  • Questions to the Minister for Housing and Regeneration (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (120 mins)

  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)

  • Short Debate (30 mins)

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Government Business

  • First Minister’s Oral Assembly Questions (45 mins)

  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Culture and Sport: Baroness Kay Andrews’ Report on Culture and Poverty (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Local Government and Government Business: Update on Chapter 7 of the Programme for Government “Safer Communities for All” (30 mins)

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services (45 mins)

  • Questions to the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty (45 mins)

  • Questions to the Counsel General (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Liberal Democrats (60 mins)

  • Short Debate (30 mins)