27/11/2012 - Business Statement and Announcement

Published 12/06/2014   |   Last Updated 12/06/2014

Business Statement and Announcement

Tuesday 4 December & Wednesday 5 December 2012

Recess: 10 December 2012 – 6 January 2013

Tuesday 8 January & Wednesday 9 January 2013

Tuesday 15 January & Wednesday 16 January 2013


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Government Business

  • First Minister’s Oral Assembly Questions (60 mins)

  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services on the Introduction of the Human Transplantation (Wales) Bill (60 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Education and Skills on the Future direction of the Regulation and Qualifications in Wales (30 mins)

  • The Public Bodies (Water Supply and Water Quality) (Inspection Fees) Order 2012 (15 mins)

  • Debate on the Annual Budget (60 mins)

  • Debate on the General Principles of the Public Audit (Wales) Bill (60 mins)

  • Motion to approve the Financial Resolution of the Public Audit (Wales) Bill (5 mins)

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills (45 mins)

  • Questions to the Minister for Local Government and Communities (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Statement by Mick Antoniw: Introduction of a Member proposed Bill – Recovery of Medical Costs for Asbestos Diseases (Wales) Bill (30 mins) – postponed from 28 November

  • Debate on the Health and Social Care Committee’s report on Prevention of VTE in hospitalised patients (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)

  • Short Debate - Ken Skates (Clwyd South) (30 mins)

Government Business

  • Motion to suspend Standing Order 27.7 suspending the requirement for the Regulations relating to a Council Tax Reduction Scheme to be laid for 20 days before they can be considered in plenary (5 mins)

  • Motion to suspend Standing Order 12.20(i) to allow the next two items of business to be debated (5 mins)

  • Motion to approve the Council Tax Reduction Schemes and Prescribed Requirements (Wales) Regulations (15 mins)

  • Motion to approve the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Default Scheme) (Wales) Regulations (15 mins)

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Government Business

  • First Minister’s Oral Assembly Questions (60 mins)

  • Business Statement & Announcement (30 mins)  

  • Statement by the Minister for Education and Skills on NEETS and Youth Engagement (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and European Programmes on the Consultation on the Structural Fund Programmes 2014 - 2020 (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage on Bringing empty properties back into use: the Houses into Homes initiative (30 mins)

  • LCM on the Public Service Pensions Bill – clauses relating to restrictions to be applied to new schemes (15 mins)

  • LCM on Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Bill (15 mins)

  • Debate on the Local Government Settlement (60 mins)

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Finance (45 mins)

  • Questions to the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Liberal Democrats (60 mins)

  • Short Debate (30 mins)

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Government Business

  • First Minister’s Oral Assembly Questions (60 mins)

  • Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins)

  • Statement by the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development on Tackling environmental inequalities in urban Wales (30 mins)

  • LCM on Crime and Courts Bill in relation to amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (15 mins)

  • Stage 3 Standing Order 26.44 debate on the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Bill (60 mins)

In accordance with Standing Order 26.36, amendments will be disposed of in the order which the sections and schedules to which they relate, arise in the Bill. At the conclusion of Stage 3 the Minister may propose that the Bill be passed in accordance with Standing Order 26.47. If the proposition is agreed: Stage 4 Standing Order 26.47 motion to approve the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Bill.”

  • Debate on Maximising the Impact of Welsh Procurement Policy (60 mins)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Government Business

  • Questions to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development ( 45 mins)

  • Questions to the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage (45 mins)

Assembly Business

  • Debate on the Environment and Sustainability Committee’s short report on Coastal Protection (60 mins)

  • Debate on the Children and Young People Committee’s Inquiry into Adoption (60 mins)

  • Time allocated to Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)

  • Short Debate (30 mins)