02/03/2011 - Named Day Motions and Amendments

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 02 March 2011

Motions tabled on 23 February 2011

Short Debate

NDM4672 Christie Chapman (Cynon Valley): Wales: A Binge Drinking Nation?

NDM4673 Nick Ramsay (Monmouthshire)

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Welcomes the advances that have been made with pain controlling drugs and many other palliative therapies;

2. Commends the work of the voluntary sector in the delivery of palliative care services;

3. Calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to increase funding and support for hospices, and to develop outreach palliative services.

NDM4674 Nick Ramsay (Monmouthshire)

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the success of the Ryder Cup and the Ashes Test Match as outstanding major events held in Wales.

2. Calls upon the Welsh Assembly Government to build upon this success and support Welsh bids for the Commonwealth Games and a UEFA European club cup final.

NDM4675 Peter Black (South Wales West)

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Regrets that the Welsh Assembly Government’s economic priorities are not adequate for developing long-term economic growth.

2. Calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to:

a) Offer training grants for employers to take on unemployed young people or people who have been out of work for more than a year;

b) Establish a Jobs, Growth and Innovation programme to support projects that will create jobs by modernising the economy;

c) Develop a Welsh Stock Exchange to provide Welsh businesses with access to capital.

Amendments tabled on 24 February 2011

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. Nick Ramsay (Monmouthshire)

In point 2.c) delete ‘Develop’ and replace with ‘Examine the feasibility of’

2. Nick Ramsay (Monmouthshire)

Add new point at the end of motion:

Recognises the importance of manufacturing to the Welsh economy and regrets the failure of the Welsh Assembly Government to publish a Manufacturing Strategy for Wales.

Amendments Tabled on 25 February 2011

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

Delete point three and replace with:

3. Notes the calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to increase funding and support for hospices and to develop outreach services and further notes that this will be considered during the term of the next Welsh Assembly Government alongside other funding pressures and in light of our financial settlement.


1. Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

Delete point 2 and replace with:

2. Welcomes the publication of the Welsh Assembly Government's Major events strategy and its support for bids to bring further major events to Wales, building upon Wales' growing reputation as an effective and successful host for a diverse range of globally significant events.

A copy of “Event Wales: A Major Events Strategy For Wales 2010-2020” was e-mailed to Assembly Members on 25 February 2011


1. Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

Delete all and replace with:

The National Assembly for Wales

1. Welcomes Economic Renewal: a new direction which marks a radical new direction to provide the right environment for long-term economic growth, innovation and sustainable jobs.

2. Notes:

a) The ReACT programme has resulted in 17,467 training placements for workers recently made redundant in Wales, over 1000 young people have gained apprenticeships under the Young Recruits Programme and a further 2000 placements are available under the Pathways to Apprenticeship programme;

b) The commitment under Economic Renewal to invest in 21st century infrastructure such as hi-speed broadband and sustainable public transport to stimulate economic growth and jobs;

c) The Welsh Assembly Government's ongoing work in exploring options to increase growth capital for businesses in Wales, and the publication of the Manufacturing Strategy later this month.

3. Condemns the UK government's decision to introduce substantial cuts in support for young people to gain training and employment

Further information on “Economic Renewal: a new direction” can be accessed via the following link:
