04/03/2015 - No Named Day Motion

Published 04/03/2015   |   Last Updated 15/04/2015

Motions and Amendments for future Debate

Motions tabled on 4 March 2015


Bethan Jenkins

William Graham

Lynne Neagle

William Powell


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Calls upon the Welsh Government to

a)         Instigate a moratorium on opencast mining across Wales, in order to ascertain whether planning law and current guidance provides sufficient protection for communities affected by opencast mining;

b)         Respond to the Research into the Failure to Restore Opencast Coal Sites in South Wales, stating specifically how it might address concerns about the workability of MTAN2 and the 500m buffer zone; and

c)         Support affected local authorities to make legal challenges, where required, when pursing restoration.