16/03/2016 - Named Day Motions and Amendments

Published 09/03/2016   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 16 March 2016

Motions tabled on 9 March 2016

Short Debate

NDM6008 Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales):

Carmarthen 1966 and 2016: 50 years that has changed Wales.

The history of devolution since 1966 and the potential to create a future devolved government that will provide excellent services.

NDM6006 Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

The National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the Report of the Public Accounts Committee - Regeneration Investment Fund for Wales, which was laid in the Table Office on 26 January 2016.

Note: The Welsh Government's response to the report was laid in the Table Office on 8 March 2016.

NDM6007 Alun Ffred Jones (Arfon)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the report of the Environment and Sustainability Committee on 'A Smarter Energy Future for Wales', which was laid in the Table Office on 8 March 2016.

NDM6009 Christine Chapman (Cynon Valley)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the report of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee on the inquiry into the BBC Charter Review, which was laid in the Table Office on 2 March 2016; and

2. Agrees that the BBC, if it accepts the committee's recommendation, should lay before the Assembly annual reports and audited statements of accounts.

NDM6010 John Griffiths (Newport East)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Acting under section 1(2) of the National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards Measure 2009, appoints Sir Roderick Evans as National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards under that Measure, for a term of six years starting on 1 December 2016.

NDM6011 Aled Roberts (North Wales)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises the challenges facing the primary care sector in Wales, with increasing pressure on resources and an ageing population with more complex care needs;

2. Notes that the percentage of NHS funding spent on general practice has fallen from 10.27 per cent in 2005-2006 to 7.9 per cent in 2015-2016;

3. Notes that Wales has the second lowest GP coverage in the UK with 23 per cent of GPs aged over 50 and difficulties in training enough GPs to fulfil future workforce requirements; and

4. Calls on the next Welsh Government to:

a) introduce an access to GPs scheme to fund innovative ways of providing primary care services to improve access to GPs for patients;

b) improve the availability of specialist mental health training for health professionals;

c) review the capacity of the general practice workforce to meet the needs of patients;

d) improve public education on appropriate health services;

e) review the administration requirements on GPs; and

f) improve the promotion of general practice as a profession.

NDM6012 Rosemary Butler (Newport West)

To propose that the National Assembly, in accordance with Standing Order 33.2:

1. Considers the Report of the Business Committee 'Amending Standing Orders: Standing Order 18 – Public Accounts and Oversight of the Wales Audit Office – and Standing Order 30A – Consent in Relation to Statutory Instruments made by UK Ministers' laid in the Table Office on 9 March 2016; and

2. Approves the proposal to revise Standing Orders 18 and 30A, as set out in Annex B of the Report of the Business Committee.

NDM6013 Rosemary Butler (Newport West)

To propose that the National Assembly, in accordance with Standing Order 33.2:

1. Considers the Report of the Business Committee 'Amending Standing Orders: Standing Order 26 – Acts of the Assembly' laid in the Table Office on 9 March 2016; and

2. Approves the proposal to revise Standing Order 26, as set out in Annex B of the Report of the Business Committee.

NDM6014 Rosemary Butler (Newport West)

To propose that the National Assembly, in accordance with Standing Order 33.2:

1. Considers the Report of the Business Committee 'Amending Standing Orders: Standing Order 26A – Private Bills – and Standing Order 26B – Hybrid Bills' laid in the Table Office on 9 March 2016; and

2. Approves the proposal to revise Standing Order 26A and introduce a new Standing Order 26B, as set out in Annexes B and D of the Business Committee's report.

Motions tabled on 15 March 2016

​NDM6015 Mark Drakeford (Cardiff West)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 26.47:

Approves the Public Health (Wales) Bill.

Amendments tabled on 10 March 2016

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to increase training places for GPs, and to ensure that training rotas for GPs cover rural and deprived areas in order to increase the prospects of GPs practicing in those areas.