18/07/2012 - Named Day Motions

Published 10/06/2014   |   Last Updated 10/06/2014

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 18 July 2012

Motions tabled on 11 July 2012

Short Debate

NDM5044 Aled Roberts (North Wales): Dyslexia and Schools: Working Together to Make a Difference.

All pupils in Wales need support to develop their literacy skills, and it is essential that young people with dyslexia have access to the appropriate assessment, intervention and additional support they will need during their schooldays. The way in which teachers apply their skills, methods and competencies to young people with dyslexia is crucial and can make a huge difference to a child’s life-chances.


Aled Roberts (North Wales)

William Graham (South Wales East)

Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)

The National Assembly for Wales has no confidence in the Minister for Health and Social Services.

NDM5041 Ann Jones (Vale of Clwyd):

The National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the Report of the Communities, Equality and Local Government media Task and Finish group on the Future outlook for the media in Wales which was laid in the Table Office on 10 May 2012.

Note: The response of the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage to the report was laid in the Table Office on 11 July 2012.

NDM5042 Nick Ramsay (Monmouth):

The National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the Report of the Enterprise and Business Committee: Influencing the Modernisation of EU Procurement Policy which was laid in the Table Office on 14 May 2012.

Note: The response of the Minister for Finance and the Leader of the House to the report which was laid in the Table Office on 11 July 2012.