21/10/2009 - Named Day Motions and Amendments

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 21 October 2009

Motions tabled on 14 October 2009

Short Debate

NDM4307 Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Welcome to Wales

NDM4303 Dafydd Elis-Thomas (Dwyfor Meirionnydd)

To propose that the National Assembly, in accordance with Standing Order 35.2:

1. Considers the Report of the Business Committee laid in the Table Office on 14 October 2009; and

2. Approves the amendment to Standing Orders set out in the Report of the Business Committee.

NDM4304 Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire)

The National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the report of the Sustainability Committee on Carbon Reduction from Land Use: 5th Report of the Sustainability Committee's Inquiry into Carbon Reduction in Wales which was laid in the Table Office on 22 July 2009.

Note: The response of the Minister for Rural Affairs to the report was laid in the Table Office on 14 October 2009.

NDM4305 William Graham (South Wales East)

To propose the National Assembly for Wales agrees the budget of the Assembly Commission for 2010-11, as specified in table 1 of the "National Assembly for Wales Commission Budget Proposals 2010-11”, laid before the Assembly on 14 October 2009; and that it be incorporated in the Annual Budget Motion under Standing Order 27.17(ii).

NDM4306 Alun Cairns (South Wales West)

The National Assembly for Wales:

Notes with deep concern that unemployment in Wales now stands at 130,000 (9.1%), an increase of 45,000 over the last year.

NDM4308 Peter Black (South Wales West)

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Regrets the further rise in unemployment in Wales;

2. Regrets that Wales saw the highest rise of all the nations and regions of the UK in the last quarter; and

3. Calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to make available details of how it intends to achieve its long-term employment target of 80%.

Amendments Tabled on 16 October 2009

To propose that the National Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to Motions:


1. Alun Cairns (South Wales West)

Add new point at end of Motion:

Regrets the lack of an effective strategy from the Welsh Assembly Government to deal with the increasing unemployment.

2. Carwyn Jones (Bridgend)

Delete point 3 and replace with:

Welcomes publication of the Assembly Government's strategy, Skills That Work for Wales, and the setting up of the Wales Employment and Skills Board, demonstrating the partnership approach to meeting the future needs of a growing Welsh economy.

The Skills That Work for Wales Strategy can be accessed on the following link - http://wales.gov.uk/topics/educationandskills/policy/skillsthatforwales/?lang=en


Carwyn Jones (Bridgend)

Insert at end of motion:

Further notes:

a) the significant actions taken by the Assembly Government to support people either threatened by or facing redundancy, such as the new PROACT Programme, enhancing ReACT Programme and Skillbuild;

b) the way in which the Assembly Government is maximising the use of European Structural funds to tackle the challenges of the recession;

c) the major programme for Economic Renewal launched by the Deputy First Minister last week which will plan for a stronger, more sustainable economy post recession;

d) the partnership approach taken by the Assembly Government in tackling the recession with a wide range of stakeholders including the CBI, TUC and FSB; and

e) the measures taken by the Welsh Assembly Government to ensure more focused support for business through Flexible Support for Business and the Single Investment Fund.