22/01/2014 - Named Day Motions and Amendments

Published 10/06/2014   |   Last Updated 10/06/2014

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 22 January 2014

Motions tabled on 15 January 2014

Short Debate

NDM5406 Leanne Wood (South Wales Central):

The best start in life: A genuine aspiration for all?

The need to ensure equal opportunities for disadvantaged families to access Welsh-medium Flying Start childcare provision.

NDM5403 Rosemary Butler (Newport West)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 16.3, agrees to:

1. alter the remit of the Children and Young People Committee to include Higher Education;

2. change the title of the Children and Young People Committee to the Children, Young People and Education Committee;

3. transfer tourism from the remit of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee to that of the Enterprise and Business Committee.

The proposals are set out in the Business Committee’s report on ‘Committee Responsibilities and Portfolios in the 4th Assembly’ laid on 15 January 2014.

NDM5404 Nick Ramsay (Monmouth)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the Enterprise and Business Committee's Report on the Inquiry into Youth Entrepreneurship, which was laid in the Table Office on 14 November 2013.

Note: The response by the Welsh Government was laid on 15 January 2014.

NDM5405 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes that over a year has passed since the publication of the figures of the 2011 census that show a reduction of 2% in the number of Welsh speakers in Wales.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to act to enable the Welsh language to thrive, by, among other things:

a) ensuring that everyone in Wales has the opportunity to learn Welsh;

b) investing in Welsh-medium childcare;

c) increasing the number of pupils receiving the Foundation Phase through the medium of Welsh;

d) using the potential under the Welsh Language Measure 2011 to set standards for the Welsh language that provide Welsh speakers with stronger rights than those provided by Welsh-language schemes under the Welsh Language Act 1993;

e) encouraging public bodies to use the Welsh language as an administrative language internally;

f) creating economic opportunities and jobs in Welsh-language strongholds, by promoting  Bangor and Menai, Aberystwyth and Carmarthen as city-regions;

g) ensuring that the Welsh language is taken seriously within the planning system.

NDM5407 William Graham (South Wales East)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the flooding and devastation of December 2013 and January 2014 which has affected people and communities throughout Wales.

2. Recognises the excellent work of the emergency services and organisations in providing support and relief to those communities.

3. Believes that the potential dual use of local renewable energy projects should be considered in providing further sea defences.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) urgently review Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk;

b) develop and re-launch the grant scheme piloted in 2010/11 to provide funding for those who are at greatest risk of flooding to make their homes more flood resilient; and

c) publish reports of the investigation of Natural Resources Wales into the recent flooding, once completed.

Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk is available at: http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/publications/040701tan15en.pdf

Amendments tabled on 16 January 2014

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

Add as new sub-point at the end of point 4:

‘establish a National Flood Forum for Wales’

2. Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

Add as new sub-point at the end of point 4:

‘collate the additional cost on local government and other public organisations as a result of the recent storms and consider urgently the need to request additional funding from the UK Government or the European Union to help meet the financial burden’

Amendments tabled on 17 January 2014

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. William Graham (South Wales East)

Insert ‘effectively’ at end of sub-point 2a.

2. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:

capitalising on the extra funding for Flying Start to improve the promotion of Welsh to young children and their families.

3. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:

working with adults learning Welsh to create opportunities for Welsh to be spoken in their community.

4. Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

In sub-point 2f, delete all after ‘strongholds’.

5. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new point 2 and renumber accordingly:

Notes failures by the Welsh Government to fully meet standards to promote the use of regional and minority languages in public life as set out in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

The ‘European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages – Fourth report of the Committee of Experts in respect of the United Kingdom’ is available at:


6. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Delete point 2f and replace with:

supporting Welsh-language heartlands in West Wales by developing an economic strategy for these areas that reflects their character and is tailored to their needs

7. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:

addressing local difficulties faced in receiving Welsh language broadcasting since the digital TV switchover in 2010.

8. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:

addressing weaknesses in Welsh second language provision in schools.

9. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:

ensuring the Welsh Language Commissioner is appointed by the National Assembly for Wales.

10. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:

ensuring that Welsh Education Strategic Plans are robust and contain deliverable measures to meet demand for Welsh medium education and ensure continuity between primary and secondary education on offer.

11. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as new sub-point at end of point 2:

ensure that any evaluation of the Flying Start programme addresses Welsh language provision.


1. Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

Delete sub-points 4a and 4b and replace with:

continue its approach as set out in the National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales and the investment of £240 million into flooding over the lifetime of this Government

The National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales can be accessed on the following link:


2. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new point 3 and renumber accordingly:

Commends the work of local volunteers across Wales for the dedication shown during the clean-up and recovery process.

3. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new sub-point 4a and renumber accordingly:

update the National Assembly for Wales on the action it has taken to investigate the potential use of European Union funds to aid the costs incurred by repair work.

4. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new sub-point 4a and renumber accordingly:

engage positively with relevant partners to ensure that a pragmatic approach is adopted towards business and residential applications to retrofit properties for purposes of improved flood defence.

5. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new sub-point 4a and renumber accordingly:

outline the actions being taken to use local knowledge and innovative land management techniques to make greater use of natural resources to reduce the impact of flooding, and take action to ensure that representatives are suitably up skilled to improve resilience.

6. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new sub-point 4a and renumber accordingly:

instigate a review of river clearing policy in Wales as a matter of urgency to reduce the potential for flooding.