23/01/2017 - No Named Day Motion

Published 24/01/2017   |   Last Updated 24/01/2017

​Motions and Amendments for future Debate

Motion tabled on 23 January 2017

NNDM6216 Neil McEvoy (South Wales Central)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes a proposal for a No Soldier Left Behind Bill.

2. Notes that the purpose of the Bill would be to ensure a guaranteed bill of rights for Armed forces veterans to services from public bodies in Wales, including but not limited to:

a) guaranteed access to social housing, including adaptations if necessary;

b) priority need when presenting as homeless; and

c) fast-track treatment on the NHS.

3. Notes the Welsh Affairs Committee report 'Support for Armed forces veterans in Wales', highlighting the difficulties that veterans have in accessing social housing in Wales.

4. Notes that soldiers should not be left behind on the battlefield and so they should not be left behind when their proud service is over.

'Welsh Affairs Committee - Second Report - Support for Armed Forces Veterans in Wales 5 February 2013'