25/09/2013 - Named Day Motions and Amendments

Published 10/06/2014   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 25 September 2013

Motions tabled on 18 September 2013

Short Debate

NDM5305 Julie James (Swansea West): The Benefits of the Dylan Thomas Centenary for Wales

NDM5302 William Graham (South Wales East)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes that the majority of children excluded or taught outside of a school setting have either special or additional learning needs, are boys, are entitled to free school meals, are looked after children, and often taught in a pupil referral unit;

2. Recognises the inconsistencies between local authorities regarding education outside the school setting;

3. Urges the Welsh Government to reduce the mandatory period in which local authorities are required to deliver education to excluded pupils; and

4. Calls for a cohesive strategy to be put in place for children who are taught outside the school setting, to monitor and improve their educational chances and outcomes.

NDM5304 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales

1. Notes that the Commission for Devolution in Wales’s (Silk Commission) final call for evidence concludes on Friday, 27th September 2013.

2. Notes that research carried out on behalf of the Silk Commission showed substantial support for the National Assembly for Wales to have increased powers, with particular support for the transfer of renewable energy powers (70%), policing (63%) and broadcasting and media regulation (58%).

3. Further notes the support for transferring financial powers evidenced last year, with 64% supporting the transfer of income tax powers to the Welsh Government, 80% in support of borrowing powers for infrastructure projects and 72% in favour of ‘nudge’ taxes.

4. Expresses concern at the UK Government's delay in responding to the Silk Commission’s first report, and calls for the UK Government to abide by the timetable set out by the Silk Commission and for the Welsh and UK Governments to promptly publish their responses to the second report when it is released next Spring.

NDM5306 Aled Roberts (North Wales)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises the importance of the Pupil Deprivation Grant in helping to break the link between poverty and educational underachievement, and close the attainment gap between pupils from disadvantaged and more advantaged backgrounds.

2. Notes the recent research by the Welsh Liberal Democrats into the impact of the Pupil Deprivation Grant in Wales, which:

a) indicates that the funding is having a positive impact on the attainment levels of children from poorer backgrounds and improving confidence and attendance; and

b) examines ways to improve the grant in the future.

3. Notes that funding for the Pupil Premium in England has increased year on year, from £488 per eligible pupil in 2011-12 to £1300 for 2014-15 compared to £450 per eligible pupil in Wales.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) substantially increase the Pupil Deprivation Grant funding per pupil in the next budget;

b) examine the benefits of extending the Pupil Deprivation Grant to pupils under the age of 5;

c) ensure that guidance on the grant is clear and concise and prioritise the development of a Sutton Trust Toolkit for Wales;

d) provide certainty over the future of the Pupil Deprivation Grant and timely information on individual allocations to schools;

e) encourage schools to have a clear policy for robust monitoring and appraisal whilst ensuring that the process is not overly bureaucratic; and

f) establish a fairer funding formula which ensures that funding accurately reflects the number of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds being supported by Pupil Deprivation Grant funding.

The Pupil Deprivation Grant research by the Welsh Liberal Democrats is available here:


Amendments tabled on 20 September 2013

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

Delete points 3 and 4 and replace with:

Notes that:

a) the Welsh Government continues to ensure Local Authorities meet their current duties in relation to delivering education to excluded pupils; and

b) the Welsh Government will continue to focus on ensuring that policies and good practice are well implemented to ensure improved outcomes for children taught outside the school setting.

2. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

In point 1, insert after ‘looked after children,’:

‘are from deprived backgrounds, are from BAME communities, are in larger size schools or classrooms,’

3. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new point 2 and renumber accordingly:

Regrets the lack of progress on helping children who have been excluded from school since the 2011 research report commissioned by the Welsh Government on experiences of illegal school exclusions in Wales.

A link to the report is available at:


4. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

In point 3, delete all after ‘pupils’ and insert:

‘and to report on the steps it is taking to help those children who are excluded or taught outside of a school setting to be reintegrated as soon as possible;’

5. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new point 4 and renumber accordingly:

Calls on the Welsh Government to examine the extent to which teacher training courses equip teachers with the skills necessary to support students at risk of being excluded or taught outside of a school setting.

6. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert at the end of point 4:

‘and for the Welsh Government to set out the steps it will take to implement the recommendations of the 2013 report on an evaluation of education provision for children and young people educated outside the school.’

A link to the report is available at:



1. William Graham (South Wales East)

Insert as new point 1 and renumber accordingly:

Welcomes the UK Government’s commitment to the better governance of Wales within the United Kingdom with the introduction of the referendum on primary law making powers to the National Assembly for Wales and the establishment of the Commission for Devolution in Wales (Silk Commission) into financial accountability and the powers of the National Assembly for Wales.

2. William Graham (South Wales East)

Delete point 4 and replace with:

Recognises that Silk Part I, Empowerment and Responsibility, has to be carefully considered and assessed in terms of its impact on other parts of the United Kingdom and the benefits to Wales and, when these assessments are concluded, looks forward to the timely introduction of the measures outlined in Silk Part I to create better accountability for the finances of Wales.

Silk Part I can be accessed on the following page:


3. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new point 1 and renumber accordingly:

Welcomes that the UK Government established the Silk Commission, as committed to in the UK Government’s coalition agreement.

4. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Insert as new point 4 and renumber accordingly:

Supports the devolution of financial powers over taxation and borrowing as recommended by the Silk Commission Part I.

Silk Part I can be accessed on the following page:



1. William Graham (South Wales East)

Insert as new point 2 a) and renumber accordingly:

Regrets the lack of clarity with regard to the understanding and implementation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant across the surveyed schools.