27/10/2015 - No Named Day Motions

Published 27/10/2015   |   Last Updated 28/10/2015

​Motions and Amendments for future Debate

Motions tabled on 27 October 2015

NNDM5860 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 33.6:

Suspends that part of Standing Order 11.16 that requires the weekly statement and announcement under Standing Order 11.11 to constitute the timetable for business in Plenary for the following week, to allow NNDM5861 to be considered in Plenary on Tuesday 3 November 2015.

NNDM5861 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose the National Assembly of Wales:

Notes the publication of the draft Wales Bill by the UK Government on 20 October 2015 and regrets that the current model for reserved powers falls short of the recommendations of the Silk Commission Part 2.

The draft Wales Bill is available at:

Silk Commission Part 2 is available at:

Supported by:
Elin Jones (Ceredigion)
Aled Roberts (North Wales)