27/11/2012 - Named Day Motions and Amendments

Published 10/06/2014   |   Last Updated 10/06/2014

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 27 November 2012

Motions tabled on 31 October 2012

Short Debate

NDM5083 Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Asbestos in Schools:  Revealing not concealing Parents’ right to know.

Motions tabled on 20 November 2012

NDM5102 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the progress made on sustainable development in 2011-12, as set out in the Welsh Government’s Annual Report of the Sustainable Development Scheme, which was laid before the National Assembly for Wales on 20 November 2012.

Amendments tabled on 22 November 2012

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Welcomes the publication of the Annual Report of the Sustainable Development Scheme, in particular the commentary by the Sustainable Futures Commissioner.

2. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to enact the recommendations of the Sustainable Futures Commissioner to ensure that sufficient attention is given to areas such as agriculture, food security and tourism in the future.

3. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Notes the criticism of the Sustainable Futures Commissioner ‘that the report, seems to be championing money allocated and spent on initiatives, rather than championing the sustainable outcomes and benefits derived from those initiatives’ and calls on the Welsh Government to reconsider the way it assesses the success of Welsh Government programmes across all departments, based on outcomes rather than inputs.

4. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Believes the Welsh Government will make further progress towards a sustainable Wales if it increases the availability of:

a) home energy efficiency programmes such as Arbed;
b) programmes to encourage communities to invest in small-scale renewable energy projects such as hydro-electricity; and
c) integrated public transport.

5. Aled Roberts (North Wales)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Welcomes the UK Government’s commitment to electrification and the positive effect this will have on reducing Wales’ CO2 emissions.

6. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Expresses concern that the Welsh Government has made little progress in improving its Sustainable Development Indicators in 2012.

7. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Calls on the Government to bring forward urgent remedial actions to resolve the 22 Sustainable Development Indicators for 2012 that have deteriorated or shown no improvement.

The Sustainable Development Indicators 2012 can be found at:

8. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Regrets that the headline indicator of Gross Value Added (GVA), as outlined in the report, was 74% of the UK average in 2010, the lowest amongst the devolved countries and English regions.

9. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Regrets the limited use of economic indicators within the report to judge the success of the Welsh Government Sustainable Development policy.

10. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Notes the continued concerns from the Sustainable Futures Commissioner regarding aspects of the structure and content of the report.

11. William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as a new point at the end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to implement fully the recommendations made in the report by the Sustainable Futures Commissioner.