30/06/2010 - Named Day Motions and Amendments

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014

Motions and Amendments for Debate on 30 June 2010

Motions tabled on 23 June 2010

Short Debate - No Topic Tabled

NDM4503 Sandy Mewies (Delyn)

The National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the Report of the Communities and Culture Committee: Youth Justice: The experience of Welsh Children in the Secure Estate laid in the Table Office on 24 February 2010.

Note: The response of the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government to the report was laid in the Table Office on 23 June 2010.

NDM4504 Nick Ramsay (Monmouth)

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Believes that the creation of the office of directly elected mayor would be of benefit to a number of Welsh councils, provide strong local leadership and improve democratic accountability to citizens;

2. Welcomes the UK Government’s plans to make the police more accountable through oversight by a directly elected individual.

NDM4505 Peter Black (South Wales West)

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to:

a) Undertake an economic impact assessment of the effect of the Severn Bridges tolls on the South Wales economy;

b) Make further representations to the UK Government on the negative impact of the tolls, and to prepare the case for supporting the withdrawal of tolls when the bridges revert to public ownership.

Amendments tabled on 25 June 2010

To propose that the Assembly resolves to adopt the following amendments to motions:


1. Peter Black (South Wales West)

Add new point at end of motion:

Believes that any decisions to establish a directly elected mayor should be taken by local people at a local level.

2. Peter Black (South Wales West)

Delete point 1 and replace with:

Notes that local authorities have the ability to establish a directly elected mayor by holding a local referendum, and notes that there has been only one such referendum to date in Wales, which was unsuccessful.

3. Peter Black (South Wales West)

In point 2, after 'individual', insert:

‘, however, believes that implementation of such a policy in Wales would be best administered by the Welsh Assembly Government with the devolution of powers over policing.’

4. Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

Delete all and replace with

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes that the provision to move to a directly elected mayor is already contained in the Local Government Act 2000 and that it can be implemented through a successful referendum

2. Notes that Police Forces are already accountable to the communities they serve through police authorities which include a majority of elected councillors as well as lay people

3. Believes that the National Assembly should be able to determine any proposals to change the current system in respect of local police accountability

The Local Government Act 2000 can be found on the following hyperlink:



1. Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

Delete all and replace with:

1.Welcomes the work being undertaken by the Welsh Assembly Government to assess the effect of the Severn Bridge tolls on the South Wales economy;

2.Notes that the Welsh Assembly Government has regular discussions with the UK Government about the Severn Bridges and will continue to discuss the future ownership and management of the Bridges with them

3. Welcomes the measures to allow card payments at the tollbooths and urges the UK Government to ensure that the necessary changes are made before the Ryder Cup.