09/02/2011 - Budget, Heritage and Commission

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014

Oral Assembly Questions tabled on 26 January 2011 for answer on 09 February 2011

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self identifying Question no. shown in brackets)

To ask the Minister for Business and Budget

1. David Melding (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on how the Welsh Assembly Government budget is monitored. OAQ(3)1320(BB)

2. Darren Millar (Clwyd West): What are the Minister’s budgetary priorities for the remainder of the Third Assembly. OAQ(3)1307(BB)

3. Jenny Randerson (Cardiff Central): What consideration is the Minister giving to addressing the increased primary education funding gap between England and Wales in setting the final budget for the Welsh Assembly Government. OAQ(3)1316(BB) TRANSFERRED FOR WRITTEN ANSWER

4. Eleanor Burnham (North Wales): What did the Minister take into consideration when setting the budget for the Social Justice and Local Government portfolio. OAQ(3)1305(BB)

5. Chris Franks (South Wales Central): What recent discussions has the Minister had regarding the number and cost of Assembly Government Sponsored Bodies. OAQ(3)1322(BB)

6. Nerys Evans (Mid and West Wales): What recent discussions has the Minister had regarding the budget allocation for the Children, Education and Lifelong Learning portfolio. OAQ(3)1311(BB)

7. Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Will the Minister make a statement on the overall allocation of funding to the Social Justice and Local Government portfolio. OAQ(3)1323(BB)

8. Leanne Wood (South Wales Central): What discussion has the Minister had with financial institutions in Wales. OAQ(3)1321(BB)

9. Veronica German (South Wales East): How does the Minister monitor Welsh Assembly Government Departmental budgets to ensure their effectiveness. OAQ(3)1303(BB)

10. William Graham (South Wales East): What plans does the Minister have to issue information promoting the importance of the Census in Wales. OAQ(3)1317(BB)

11. Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on his priorities for South Wales Central for the remainder of the Third Assembly. OAQ(3)1294(BB)

12. Brian Gibbons (Aberavon): Will the Minister make a statement on End Year Flexibility. OAQ(3)1298(BB)

13. Nerys Evans (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on her priorities for West Wales. OAQ(3)1312(BB)

14. Brian Gibbons (Aberavon): Will the Minister make a statement on the funding of Private Finance Initiatives. OAQ(3)1297(BB)

15. Dai Lloyd (South Wales West): What recent discussions has the Minister had with the UK Government. OAQ(3)1296(BB)

To ask the Minister for Heritage

1. Eleanor Burnham (North Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on the role of the Arts Council of Wales. OAQ(3)1419(HER)

2. Sandy Mewies (Delyn): Will the Minister provide an update on Welsh Assembly Government initiatives to support libraries in Wales. OAQ(3)1413(HER)

3. Nerys Evans (Mid and West Wales): What recent discussions has the Minister had with UK Government Ministers. OAQ(3)1437(HER) W

4. Veronica German (South Wales East): Will the Minister make a statement about Arts provision in South Wales East. OAQ(3)1426(HER)

5. Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister make a statement on library services in North Wales. OAQ(3)1421(HER)

6. Christine Chapman (Cynon Valley): Will the Minister make a statement on what the Welsh Assembly Government is doing to increase the take-up of sporting activities. OAQ(3)1423(HER) WITHDRAWN

7. William Graham (South Wales East): Will the Minister make a statement on the access to cultural activities for children and young people in South Wales East. OAQ(3)1434(HER)

8. Lynne Neagle (Torfaen): Will the Minister make a statement on his priorities for Torfaen for the remainder of this Assembly term. OAQ(3)1408(HER)

9. Christine Chapman (Cynon Valley): What support is the Welsh Assembly Government giving to Welsh libraries. OAQ(3)1424(HER) WITHDRAWN

10. Gareth Jones (Aberconwy): Will the Minister make a statement on any recent discussions he has had concerning the future of S4C. OAQ(3)1414(HER)

11. Ann Jones (Vale of Clwyd): Will the Minister provide an update on Welsh Assembly Government initiatives to support libraries in Wales. OAQ(3)1416(HER)

12. David Melding (South Wales Central): What has the Welsh Assembly Government done to promote live performance in Wales. OAQ(3)1436(HER)

13. Nerys Evans (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement regarding the support offered by the Welsh Assembly Government to the tourism industry in West Wales. OAQ(3)1438(HER) W

14. Dai Lloyd (South Wales West): Will the Minister make a statement on his priorities for South Wales West for the remainder of this Assembly term. OAQ(3)1410(HER) W

15. Jenny Randerson (Cardiff Central): Will the Minister make a statement on the promotion of Welsh culture through theatre. OAQ(3)1433(HER)

To ask a Representative of the Assembly Commission

Angela Burns (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire): Will the Commission outline when they intend to complete a full review of the Unified Network for the Organisation Project (UNO). OAQ(3)0050(AC)