11/07/2007 - Votes and Proceedings

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014

Third Assembly Plenary Meeting

Votes and Proceedings (13)

Date: Wednesday, 11th July 2007
Time: 12.30pm

Item 1: Questions to the Minister for Sustainability and Rural Development

The first 11 questions were answered.  Questions 3 and 8 were grouped together for answer.  Questions 5 and 10 were withdrawn and Question 12 was transferred for written answer by the Minister for Economy and Transport.


Item 2: Questions to the Minister for Education, Culture and the Welsh Language   

The first 10 questions were answered.  Questions 6 and 8 were grouped together for answer.


Statement by the Minister for Government Business


Statement by the Deputy First Minister


The Assembly resolved in accordance with Standing Order 2.14, that the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer should remain in office.


Motion to suspend Standing Orders

NDM3654 William Graham (South Wales East) To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Orders 35.6 and 35.8: Suspends Standing Order 7.18 (i) and that part of Standing Order 6.10 that requires the weekly announcement under Standing Order 6.3 to constitute the timetable for business in Plenary for the following week, to allow No Named Day Motion3655 to be considered in Plenary on Wednesday 11 July 2007. The Motion was agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 7.35.


Item 3: Motion to elect a Member to the Audit Committee

NNDM3655 William Graham (South Wales East) To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 10.3: Elects David Melding (Conservative) as a member of the Audit Committee in place of Jonathan Morgan (Conservative). The Motion was agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 7.35.


Item 4: Questions to the Commission

All 6 questions were answered.  Questions 3 and 6 were transferred for written answer.


Item 5: Motion to approve the National Assembly for Wales’ Welsh Language Scheme  

NDM3650 Dafydd Elis-Thomas (Dwyfor Meirionnydd), Lorraine Barrett (Cardiff South and Penarth), Peter Black (South Wales West), William Graham (South Wales East) and Elin Jones (Ceredigion) To propose that the National Assembly for Wales: Approves the National Assembly for Wales' Welsh Language Scheme, which was e-mailed to members on 4 July 2007. The Motion was agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 7.35.


Item 6: Plaid Cymru Debate - WITHDRAWN


Item 7: Welsh Liberal Democrats Debate  

NDM3652 Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire) To propose that the National Assembly for Wales: Calls on the Assembly Government to legislate to improve carers’ rights by: a) Placing a duty on the NHS to consider the welfare of carers and giving them the right to receive information; b) Giving carers the right to access respite care. The following amendment was tabled: Amendment - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan) Delete everything after 'carers’ rights'. In accordance with Standing Order 7.37, three Members requested that the bell be rung

The meeting was adjourned

The meeting reconvened and votes were taken on the motion and amendment under Item 7

A vote was taken on the Amendment:
Votes and Proceedings
For Abstain Against Total
33 0 19 52
The Amendment was agreed. The Motion as amended: NDM3652 Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire) To propose that the National Assembly for Wales: Calls on the Assembly Government to legislate to improve carers’ rights.
The Motion as amended was agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 7.35.


Item 8: Short Debate

NDM3649 Alun Ffred Jones (Arfon): Galeri - Success story.


The meeting concluded at 4.13pm

The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 18th September 2007

Chamber Secretariat