13/06/2007 - Votes and Proceedings

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014

Third Assembly Plenary Meeting

Votes and Proceedings (5)

Date: Wednesday, 13th June 2007
Time: 12.30pm

In accordance with Standing Order 36.8 (viii) the Assembly resolved on 6th June to bring forward the business under Items 1 and 2.

Item 1: Questions to the Minister for Sustainability and Rural Development

All 15 questions were answered. Questions 2, 4 & 12 and 7 & 11 were grouped together for answer.  Question 3 was withdrawn.


Item 2: Questions to the Minister for Education, Culture and Welsh Language

All 15 questions were answered. Questions 10 and 11 were not asked.


In accordance with Standing Order 36.8 (viii) the Assembly resolved to bring forward the business under Item 3.

Item 3: Plaid Cymru Debate

NNDM3615 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East) To propose that the National Assembly for Wales: 1. Calls on the Assembly Government to take steps to address low staff morale within the NHS and to begin by: a) implementing the full pay increase for nurses; b) developing an appropriate application process for junior doctors; c) developing a strategy to minimise abuse of NHS staff. The following amendment was tabled: NDM3615 Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire) Add at end of point c: "by requiring all Local Health Boards and Trusts to have robust procedures in place to deal with those who intimidate staff and to support staff after such incidents.” A vote was taken on the amendment:
Votes and Proceedings
For Abstain Against Total
 54  0  0  54
The amendment was agreed. A vote was taken on the motion as amended: NNDM3615 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East) To propose that the National Assembly for Wales: 1. Calls on the Assembly Government to take steps to address low staff morale within the NHS and to begin by: a) implementing the full pay increase for nurses; b) developing an appropriate application process for junior doctors; c) developing a strategy to minimise abuse of NHS staff by requiring all Local Health Boards and Trusts to have robust procedures in place to deal with those who intimidate staff and to support staff after such incidents.
Votes and Proceedings
For Abstain Against Total
 57  0  57
The motion as amended was approved.


The meeting concluded at 3.53pm

The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 19th June 2007

Chamber Secretariat