25/05/2007 - Votes and Proceedings

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Third Assembly Plenary Meeting

Votes and Proceedings (2)

Date: Friday, 25th May 2007
Time: 1.05pm

Election of the First Minister

The Assembly resolved to take nominations for the appointment of First Minister, in accordance with Standing Order 36.4. The Presiding Officer invited nominations for the appointment of First Minister in accordance with Standing Order 4.2. Jane Hutt proposed the nomination of Rhodri Morgan. As no other nominations were made, the Presiding Officer declared Rhodri Morgan to be the nominee. In accordance with Section 47 (4) of the Government of Wales Act 2006, the Presiding Officer signed a letter to Her Majesty The Queen, recommending the appointment of Rhodri Morgan as First Minister.


Rhodri Morgan addressed the Assembly


The meeting concluded at 1.31pm

The date and time of the next meeting will be set by the Presiding Officer Chamber Secretariat