03/12/2009 - Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 3 December 2009

Published 06/06/2014   |   Last Updated 06/06/2014

Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 3 December 2009

[R] signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.


Questions to the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Questions to the Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing

Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs

Questions to the Representative of the Assembly Commission

To ask the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): In light of the publication of the Badman Report in England, does the Minister have any plans to conduct a review of home education in Wales. (WAQ55205)

Answer issued on 02 December 2009

The Badman Review recommended a number of actions to improve the monitoring of home education, many of which are being introduced for England only in the Children, Schools and Families Bill. The Welsh Assembly Government wishes to consider the issues separately in the Welsh context and with all key stakeholders, including representatives from home education organisations, before considering the appropriateness of putting in place our own distinctive legislation. The decision has therefore been made to take a measure-making power in this area which we could use, if appropriate, once consultation in Wales was completed.

Our initial work will be with the Association of Directors of Education in Wales Inclusion Group, who will be comparing and sharing current local authority policy and practice.  Our future approach will be informed by our scoping work as well as taking into consideration the outcomes from the English review.  In taking anything forward, we will ensure that all key stakeholders are involved.

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): Will the Minister give a breakdown of how the £35 million of funding allocated for the Ebbw Vale Learning Works under Tranche 2 of the SCIF process will be spent. (WAQ55210)

Answer issued on 04 December 2009

The Learning Works is a significant part of a major regeneration project of the former Corus Steel works site in Ebbw Vale. The overall cost of the Learning Works project is estimated to be £112.5m with construction due to commence early 2010.

This project gives a good example of integrated services on one site and will provide opportunities to realise economies of scale and efficiency savings through the appropriate use of procurement routes

The £35m SCIF grant will make a substantial contribution to the total cost of the project which will be utilised across a number of public service areas; including delivery of a post-16 Learning Zone, leisure centre and Arts facilities, and school provision to include 3-16 provision and SEN provision. The funding will also be used for infrastructure works to enable this public services integration.

The 'Learning Zone’ is a partnership between Blaenau Gwent CBC, Coleg Gwent and the University of Wales Newport and represents the first phase of the transformational scheme to deliver 21st Century learning on the Works site, with the overall aim to transform the delivery of and attitudes to learning in Blaenau Gwent. It will create a 'step change’ in both skills and educational delivery in the Blaenau Gwent and Heads of the Valley area. The project is consistent with the Welsh Assembly Government’s 'One Wales’ vision, for 21st Century Schools; alongside those of the Learning Pathways 14-19 and the Transformation Agenda for post-16 education.

I was extremely pleased to have secured £35m from the Strategic capital Investment Fund to assist this ground breaking project.

To ask the Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing

Mark Isherwood (North Wales): What is the current situation regarding the 2010/11 budget for the Mortgage Rescue Scheme. (WAQ55203) Transferred for answer by the Deputy Minister for Housing

Answer issued on 09 December 2009

The Deputy Minister for Housing (Jocelyn Davies): I am exploring a number of options to make funding available for the Mortgage Rescue Scheme in 2010/11.  I will advise you in writing once the amount is confirmed.

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): Will the Minister give a breakdown of how the £26 million Tranche 2 SCIF funding for an 'All Wales Low Carbon Building Programme' will be used. (WAQ55207)

Answer issued on 04 December 2009

The £26 million Tranche 2 Strategic Capital Investment Fund allocated for an 'All Wales Low Carbon Building Programme’ is split between the following activities:

• Inefficient gas boiler replacement £2.93 million

• Air Source Heat Pump pilot £67,000

• Individual whole house project £3 million

• Arbed community whole house project £20 million

We have developed the Arbed programme to improve the energy performance of homes in communities across Wales.  Investment under the programme will be focused on low income and fuel poor households in the Strategic Regeneration Areas across Wales.  By adopting an area based programme we can offer efficiencies of scale and offer opportunities to engage householders across a community including those who might not actively apply for help.

We expect that around 12,000 to 15,000 households may receive energy performance improvement packages as part of these area based programmes.  This could reduce annual household energy bills by £6.1m - £7.4m and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by 33,500 to 40,000 tonnes.

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): What is the total cost of the project to deliver 400+ affordable homes across Wales, for which £42 million has been allocated under Tranche 2 of the SCIF process. (WAQ55208) Transferred for answer by the Deputy Minister for Housing

Answer issued on 09 December 2009

The Deputy Minister for Housing (Jocelyn Davies): The £42 million was allocated under Tranche 1 of the SCIF process. The total cost of the project is estimated to be approximately £72 million.  It is anticipated that this will provide over 500 affordable homes across Wales which will include a range of property types from two to four bed houses and one and two bed flats.  The project is over three years and final costs will not be available until 2010/2011.

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): What is the total cost of each house under the project to deliver 400+ affordable homes across Wales, for which £42 million has been allocated under Tranche 2 of the SCIF process. (WAQ55209)

Answer issued on 09 December 2009

Jocelyn Davies: The £42 million was allocated under Tranche 1 of the SCIF process.  The project is being funded over three years and final costs will not be available until the project ends in 2010/2011.  In 2008/2009 a total of 205 properties were funded across Wales which included a range of property types from two to four bed houses and one and two bed flats.  The average cost per property was £131,900 and the average grant per property was £76,500.

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): Will the Minister give a breakdown of how the £20 million of funding allocated for the Affordable Housing and Housing Support Package under Tranche 2 of the SCIF process will be spent. (WAQ55211) Transferred for answer by the Deputy Minister for Housing

Answer issued on 07 December 2009

Jocelyn Davies: At this stage, none of the £20 million available in SCIF Tranche 2 has been allocated. Local authorities and Registered Social Landlords have been informed of the purposes for which it can be used. Local authorities will be asked to submit expressions of interest after they have received further guidance, which will be issued before the end of December 2009.  

I envisage that local authorities will be given a notional allocation of the additional funding in the form of Social Housing Grant in readiness for work to begin, or for sites to be acquired, from April 2010. The expenditure, which must be made in the next financial year 2010-2011, will provide a further much-needed boost to both the construction industry and the provision of affordable housing more generally.

To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How much is currently being spent on specialist technology, such as stair lifts, for sufferers of a neurological condition such as Motor Neurone Disease. (WAQ55200)

Answer issued on 19 January 2010

The Welsh Assembly Government does not collate this information.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How much is currently being spent on research efforts into Motor Neurone Disease in Wales. (WAQ55201)

Answer issued on 19 January 2010

I am not aware of any Motor Neurone Disease specific research being carried out in Wales. However, through the Wales Office of Research and Development’s (WORD) funding of the All- Wales Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (NEURODEM), currently around £612,000,  there is ongoing activity to encourage researchers in Wales to participate in research into this disease.

Through an annual and open competitive research funding scheme run by WORD there is also opportunity for researchers with an interest in Motor Neurone Disease to apply to this scheme.

Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): Will the Minster make a statement on the length of time patients have to wait to begin speech therapy after suffering a stroke in Wales and in Powys. (WAQ55202)

Answer issued on 04 December 2009

Information specifically on waiting times for speech and language therapy for people who have suffered a stroke is not held centrally.  Each stroke patient should have an assessment of their acute and long term rehabilitation needs to inform a care management plan tailored to meet their individual needs and any speech and language therapy should begin in accordance with that plan.

To ask the Minister for Rural Affairs

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): Which organisations will be invited to form part of the new task and finish group which will review existing guidance on the licensing of dog breeding establishments. (WAQ55204)

Answer issued on 02 December 2009

Representatives are being sought from local authorities, Chartered Institute for Environmental Health, the third sector, animal behaviourists, veterinary profession, DEFRA and the Scottish Executive and some other appropriate lay persons.

To ask the Representative of the Assembly Commission

Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): What assessment has been made of the provision of undercover bicycle racks for visitors to the Sennedd. (WAQ55206)

Answer issued on 03 December 2009

Assembly Commissioner for the Sustainable Assembly, Lorraine Barrett AM:

There is a visitor bicycle rack immediately outside the canopy of the Senedd, although not directly under cover, and additional open air bicycle racks are available outside the entrance to Tŷ Hywel.

We have considered the practicalities of providing a bicycle rack beneath the covered walkway on Pierhead Street but there are security concerns about the creation of a bicycle rack area directly adjacent to the Senedd.  The security and safety of our estate and the people that work and visit here are of paramount importance to us and it is our aim to maintain a safe environment at all times.

Our assessment therefore is that there is limited scope to provide undercover facilities at present but we will continue to review our provision in accordance with our wider responsibility to encourage sustainable transport methods and for the comfort and safety of our visitors.