04/02/2008 - Answers issued to Members on 4 February 2008

Published 06/06/2014   |   Last Updated 06/06/2014

Answers issued to Members on 4 February 2008

[R] signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.


Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport

Questions to the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Questions to the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery

Questions to the Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing

Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Questions to the Minister for Heritage

Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs

Questions to the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government

Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ50964) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50965) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50966) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (Andrew Davies): This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Questions to the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ50992) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50991) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50990) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery: This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Questions to the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ50977)

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50976)

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50975)

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (Andrew Davies): This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What use has been made of centrally held budgets by the Welsh Assembly Government for each year since 1999? (WAQ51006)

Andrew Davies: Centrally held budgets are used largely to fund the operation of the Assembly Government’s accommodation and ICT systems; and some centrally managed services such as training and translation.

Questions to the Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ50972) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50971) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50970) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (Andrew Davies): This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Leanne Wood (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on progress in changing permitted development rights in order to include microgeneration technologies? (WAQ51051)

The Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing (Jane Davidson): The Assembly Government published proposals for changing permitted development rights to support the provision of micro-generation equipment by householders last year in a consultation paper entitled 'Lifting the Barriers to Domestic Energy Micro-generation: Proposed Changes to Permitted Development Rights’.

The consultation period ended in November. Responses, including from Plaid Cymru, are currently being analysed. We will be bringing forward amending legislation in the Autumn.

A key issue identified by the responses is the need to have appropriate quality assured micro-generation equipment standards in place prior to changing the current permitted development regulations. This has been prompted by concerns about noise and vibration levels for adjoining properties arising from some wind turbines mounted on semi-detached or terraced properties. The intention is to have a Building Research Establishment approved UK product and installer certification scheme in place which, when available, will provide appropriate safeguards. This will have some impact on our timetable but I am committed to introducing appropriate extensions to permitted development rights for householder micro-generation at the earliest opportunity, consistent with other environmental considerations.

Jointly with the Department for Communities and Local Government, we have commissioned research into the potential for similar changes to provide for micro-generation equipment in respect of commercial premises and community schemes. The final consultant’s research report was published last week (30 January). Consideration has commenced on the recommendations, so as to identify proposals on which we would look to consult later this year.

Leanne Wood (South Wales Central): What discussions has the Minister had with the Department of Trade and Industry on issues relating to payment for electricity exported from microgeneration? (WAQ51052)

Jane Davidson: I have not had direct discussions with the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform on this specific issue, but I have with suppliers.

I am committed to overcoming as far as practicable all the barriers that exist to microgeneration installation, including encouraging utilities to pay a fair price for the export of locally produced electricity to the grid.

Our current policy is set out in our Microgeneration Action Plan.

We are committed in 'One Wales’ to drawing up an Energy Strategy to include, amongst things, actions on microgeneration.

Microgeneration will also feature strongly in our upcoming consultation on a Renewables Energy Routemap; and Assembly Members will have a chance to discuss microgeneration in the context of a debate on Climate Change—Renewables on the 19 of February.

Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ50987) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50986) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50985) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (Andrew Davies): This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister provide details of the number of staff working for the health and social services department in the Welsh Assembly Government in each year since 1999? (WAQ51080)

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Edwina Hart): The role of the Health and Social Services department has changed over the last eight years. The figures below are for the total Health portfolio, including Health and Social Services, CSSIW, Health Inspectorate Wales, and the Public Health and Health Professionals department.

Answers issued to Members on 4 February 2008

Health and Social Services

















Apr-Dec 2007


Figures are full-time equivalents. These figures do not include CAFCASS, which transferred in recently following the portfolio changes (196 people).

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What is the daily cost of a single delayed transfer of care case in Wales? (WAQ51081)

Edwina Hart: The real cost of a delayed transfer is the opportunity cost of treatment for someone else being delayed. This is being tackled systematically. It is not possible to put a simple number on the cost of a delay. We do know that in 2006-07 (the latest complete figures available) the average cost of providing a bed varied between specialties from £204 per day for rehabilitation to £1,078 for cardiothoracic surgery. We also need to recognise that a substantial number of people whose transfer is delayed are waiting for alternative services such as NHS continuing care in a new setting, other NHS services or other care in the community. Therefore if their transfer was not delayed, these services would have to be paid for instead.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister provide details of the number of people who currently receive dental care through an NHS dentist in Wales, and the number of people who received NHS dental care through a private company? (WAQ51090)

Edwina Hart: 1.64 million patients were recorded as having received NHS dental care in the 24 months up to 31 March 2007, amounting to 56% of the population; 65% of the child population and 53% of the adult population.

Data for the number of patients treated under private arrangements are not collected centrally.

Questions to the Minister for Heritage

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ51002) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ51001) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ51000) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (Andrew Davies): This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ50997) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50996) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50995) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (Andrew Davies): This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Will the Minister make a statement on her department’s investment in animal disease control? (WAQ51018)

The Minister for Rural Affairs (Elin Jones): As part of the document 'One Wales—A progressive agenda for the government of Wales’, the Welsh Assembly Government has committed itself to 'vigorously pursue a programme of bovine TB eradication’. To this end an additional £27m of funding has been identified and allocated over the next three financial years to support this commitment.

The Welsh Ewe Genotyping Scheme II (WEGS II) was launched in June 2003 as a 3-year scheme. It was extended in April 2006 for a further 2 years and the scheme will end on 31 March 2008. By the time the scheme closes, it is estimated that 620,000 sheep will have been sampled and genotyped on behalf of 1,586 scheme participants at a cost of £11 million.

As part of the on-going efforts to maintain GB’s 'Officially Brucellosis-free’ status, the Welsh Assembly Government funds £81k per annum to finance the costs associated with the monthly testing of bulk milk samples from Welsh dairy cattle.

The Welsh Assembly is also looking to support a campaign to address Hydatid disease which is currently subject to a tendering process.

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Does the Minister acknowledge the Rural Development Sub Committee’s Report which concluded that a combination of increased on-farm biosecurity and the control of TB in the wildlife population would control the disease? (WAQ51019)

Elin Jones: As you know TB has a devastating impact on the farming industry in Wales and it is because of this that the Welsh Assembly Government has committed an additional £27 million to vigorously pursue a programme of TB eradication in Wales over the next three years. The report of the Rural Development Sub Committee Inquiry into bovine tuberculosis in Wales will play a part in the development of the eradication programme we are currently developing. I will clearly need time to consider the report’s findings in detail over the longer term. I will respond more fully at a stage when I will also be in a position to provide information on the Government’s eradication programme in more detail.

Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): Will the Minister detail how many Single Farm Payment entitlements were not activated in this year’s payment window? (WAQ51020)

Elin Jones: Based on the current level of Single Payment Scheme 2007 payments made the total number of entitlements that have not been activated by Welsh farmers is 39,428.

Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): Will the Minister outline the total value of Single Farm Payment entitlements that were not activated by Welsh farmers? (WAQ51021)

Elin Jones: Based on the current level of Single Payment Scheme 2007 payments made the total value of entitlements that have not been activated by Welsh farmers is €6.9million.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on the present situation with regards to compensation for farmers affected by the foot and mouth crisis? (WAQ51050)

Elin Jones: I continue to make strong representation to the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, requesting that the UK Government should provide additional funding on a GB basis to alleviate the economic impact on Welsh farming and elsewhere as a direct consequence to the outbreak of animal disease in England.

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Assembly Government’s policies for eradicating Bovine TB in Wales? (WAQ51017)

Elin Jones: As part of the document 'One Wales— progressive agenda for the government of Wales’, the Welsh Assembly Government has committed itself to 'vigorously pursue a programme of bovine TB eradication’. To this end an additional £27m of funding has been identified and allocated over the next three financial years to support this commitment. The eradication programme that is currently being developed will consider all aspects of bovine TB policy, including cattle surveillance and controls, wildlife measures and husbandry practices including improved biosecurity.

Questions to the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister give a breakdown of consultation exercises performed on their department since 1999? (WAQ50982) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What savings have been brought about via the interventions of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50981) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

Nicholas Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What has been the cost of the use of consultants in the Minister’s department since 1999? (WAQ50980) Transferred for answer by the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery.

The Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery (Andrew Davies): This information could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister detail, and give dates of, any discussions he has had, or is going have, with local government leaders regarding what impact the projected increases in gas prices will have on their budgets? (WAQ51061)

The Minister for Social Justice and Local Government (Brian Gibbons): I have considered the cost pressures faced by local government including those associated with gas prices in determining the local government settlement. During the consultation on the provisional settlement I held discussions with local government leaders. I have now announced the final settlement. This is a realistic settlement in a tight financial climate and it is now up to the individual authorities to manage the costs they face through effective and efficient use of their budgets.

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What assessment has the Minister made of the impact the projected price rises of petrol, gas and electricity will have on the budget for Powys Local Authority, and does he plan to hold discussions with Powys Local Authority on this matter? (WAQ51062)

Brian Gibbons: I have considered the cost pressures faced by local government, including those associated with fuel prices, in determining the local government settlement. During the consultation on the provisional settlement I held discussions with local government including representatives of Powys County Council. I have now announced the final settlement. This is a realistic settlement in a tight financial climate and it is now up to the individual authorities to manage the costs they face through effective and efficient use of their budgets.

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What discussions has the Minister had with Wales’ police forces regarding the Police Pay arbitration award? (WAQ51065)

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What representations has the Minister received regarding the Police Pay arbitration award? (WAQ51068)

Brian Gibbons: Police pay policy is not a devolved matter and is the responsibility of the Home Secretary. I have, however, made representations to her on behalf of the Assembly Government and Assembly Members on the issue. I met with representatives of all four police authorities on 8 January to discuss funding issues but police pay was not discussed specifically. I have not received any Ministerial representations from police authorities or other interested organisations on the matter.

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What representations has the Minister made to the Home Office regarding the Police Pay arbitration award? (WAQ51066)

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What discussions has the Minister had with the Home Office regarding the Police Pay arbitration award? (WAQ51067)

Brian Gibbons: Police pay is a matter for the Home Secretary. I confirmed during the Minority party debate in Plenary on Police support on 30 January that I have written to the Home Secretary expressing the disappointment of the Assembly Government and Assembly Members at the decision not to meet fully the recommendation of the independent Police Pay Review.