04/02/2014 - Written Assembly Questions and Answers

Published 13/06/2014   |   Last Updated 26/03/2015

Written Assembly Questions tabled on 28 January 2014 for answer on 4 February 2014

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self identifying Question no. shown in brackets)


To ask the Minister for Education and Skills

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister provide details of the Jobs Growth Wales ‘Other’ category for Table 3 and 5 ‘destinations for those who have left the scheme early’ for both the private sector and third sector strands of the scheme, including details of any review planned for this category and the timescale of such a review? (WAQ66339)

Answer received for publication on 4 March 2014

The Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology (Ken Skates AM): The other category shown in the published tables is a combination of ‘employment terminated by employer (reason) and other (specified). The ‘employment terminated by employer’ accounts of 397 of the 938 listed as other. The ‘other (specified)’ is used when recording the Jobs Growth Wales statistics where the Managing Agents consider the reason for the participant leaving the Programme early is not covered by the existing categories. It is a free text field in which Managing Agents enter a reason. The proportion of responses in the category is around 30 percent. Due to the number of different answers given it is not possible to list them all, examples of answers given are:

  • dismissal from the post

  • the young person moving away from the area

  • travel to work

  • illness

  • care-related reasons

We are undertaking some focused research to understand the characteristics and reasons behind a young person exiting the programme early. This will involve considering reducing the number of reasons given as ‘other’, looking at existing answers and identifying if those should have been categorised elsewhere or if new categories should be created. Due to the number of responses classed as other (currently about 540 for those who left early) this will be a substantial piece of work. Depending on the quality of the answers given by the Managing Agents  and the variation in them we anticipate this will take until at least the summer as we will also be dealing with new participants ‘other’ responses.

We are working with the Jobs Growth Wales Management Agents, Careers Wales and Jobcentre Plus to support young people that have not progressed successfully from the programme to re-engage them and make a transition to learning or to employment.  

An evaluation has been commissioned on the impact of the programme; the initial report will be published later in the year.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister provide details of whether those who are now employed after completing their Jobs Growth Wales placement have gone into part time or full time employment, whether they are permanent or temporary jobs and how long they are in employment, including details of any plans to review the breakdown of information regarding those who are employed after their placement? (WAQ66340)

Answer received for publication on 4 February 2014

Ken Skates AM: Of the 3,795 young people that have completed the 26 weeks Jobs Growth Wales Programme, 2,887 have progressed into employment. Of these 1,753 young people have progressed into full time employment and 202 into part time employment (16-25 hours per week).  A substantial proportion – 932 - have progressed into employment as Apprentices.  All employment outcomes recorded are jobs that are intended to last a minimum of 13 weeks once the 26 week JGW job opportunity has ended.

These statistics are taken from our official Management Information on the Jobs Growth Wales programme, the latest version of which was published on 23 January 2014.


We will look to publish further information on the destination data of participants in due course.


Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of girls undertaking a biology A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of girls achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66344)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of girls undertaking a chemistry A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of girls achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66345)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of girls undertaking a maths A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of girls achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66346)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of girls undertaking a physics A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of girls achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66347)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of girls undertaking an engineering A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of girls achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66353)

Answer received for publication on 5 February 2014 (WAQ66344-7, WAQ66353)

Huw Lewis: The data for the five questions above are in the table below. Data are only collected when a pupil enters an examination in a subject.

Entries and Achievement of girls taking Biology, Chemistry, Engineering,

Maths and Physics A levels in 2012 and 2013 in maintained schools (a)

table 1 waq20140204.jpg 


Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had girls undertaking a biology A-level in Wales in (a) 2011-12 and (b) 2012-13, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66348)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had girls undertaking a chemistry A-level in Wales in (a) 2011-12 and (b) 2012-13, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66349)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had girls undertaking an engineering A-level in Wales in (a) 2011-12 and (b) 2012-13, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66350)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had girls undertaking a maths A-level in Wales in (a) 2011-12 and (b) 2012-13, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66351)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had girls undertaking a physics A-level in Wales in (a) 2011-12 and (b) 2012-13, excluding data for independent schools? (WAQ66352)

Answer received for publication on 10 February 2014 (WAQ66348 - 52)

Huw Lewis: The data for the five questions above are in the table below. Data are only collected when a pupil enters an examination in a subject.

table 2 waq20140204.jpg 


Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of boys undertaking a biology A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of boys achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, for (i) independent schools and (ii) maintained schools? (WAQ66354)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of boys undertaking a chemistry A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of boys achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, for (i) independent schools and (ii) maintained schools? (WAQ66355)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of boys undertaking an engineering A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of boys achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, for (i) independent schools and (ii) maintained schools? (WAQ66356)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of boys undertaking a maths A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of boys achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, for (i) independent schools and (ii) maintained schools? (WAQ66357)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state (a) the number of boys undertaking a physics A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, and (b) the percentage of boys achieving a grade C or higher in this A-level subject for each of those years, for (i) independent schools and (ii) maintained schools? (WAQ66358)

Answer received for publication on 4 February 2014 (WAQ66354 - 58)

Huw Lewis: The data for the five questions above are in the table below. Data are only collected when a pupil enters an examination in a subject

table 3 waq20140204.jpg 


Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had boys undertaking a biology A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, for (a) independent schools and (b) maintained schools? (WAQ66359)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had boys undertaking an engineering A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, for (a) independent schools and (b) maintained schools? (WAQ66360)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had boys undertaking a maths A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, for (a) independent schools and (b) maintained schools? (WAQ66361)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had boys undertaking a physics A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, for (a) independent schools and (b) maintained schools? (WAQ66362)

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state the percentage of co-educational schools in Wales that had boys undertaking a chemistry A-level in Wales in (i) 2011-12 and (ii) 2012-13, for (a) independent schools and (b) maintained schools? (WAQ66363)

Answer received for publication on 5 February 2014 (WAQ66359 - 63)

Huw Lewis: The data for the five questions above are in the table below. Data are only collected when a pupil enters an examination in a subject.

table 4 waq20140204.jpg

To ask the Minister for Natural Resources and Food

Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Minister state for every Welsh Rural Observatory Report submitted to the Welsh Government in the years (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14, (a) the date on which it was submitted, (b) the title of the report, (c) the date on which it was approved by Welsh Government, and (d) the date of publication? (WAQ66341)

Answer received for publication on 4 February 2014

The Minister for Natural Resources and Food (Alun Davies): This is a freedom of information request, and my officials will be in touch with you shortly.


Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): What analysis is used to measure the outcomes of the Minister’s international visits? (WAQ66342)

Answer received for publication on 10 February 2014

Alun Davies AM: As your question requires clarity in terms of the scope and timeframe of the information you are requesting, my officials will respond to you on this through the freedom of information process.


Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Further to the answer to WAQ66325, will the Minister give a detailed breakdown of the cost of his recent trade mission to the USA and Canada, covering all monies spent by Hybu Cig and the Welsh Government? (WAQ66343)

Answer received for publication on 4 February 2014

Alun Davies AM: These are matters for HCC