05/05/2010 - Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 5 May 2010

Published 06/06/2014   |   Last Updated 06/06/2014

Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 5 May 2010

[R] signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.


Questions to the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

To ask the Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning

Nerys Evans (Mid and West Wales): Further to the answer to WAQ55814, will the Minister make a statement regarding the role of the school governing body when deciding the language category of a new school, in particular the role of the governing body in making this decision. (WAQ55965)

Answer issued on 07 May 2010

Powers to establish new schools are available to local education authorities and to other promoters (for example a Diocesan Authority or a Foundation body). These powers derive from the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.  A new school would be unlikely to have a governing body until a proposal had been brought forward for its establishment, in which circumstances it is common for a temporary governing body to be established some months in advance to prepare for the opening of the school.

Whilst the current regulations which specify the content of public notices do not require the inclusion of a statement as to the linguistic nature of the school, such a statement is normally included by the local authority proposing the establishment of a new school. It would be expected that the local authority will have undertaken such consultation and assessment of demand as is necessary prior to deciding what details to include in the notice in respect of language. If proposals for a new school are approved, by either the local authority, or by Welsh Ministers, proposals must be implemented according to the notice unless a modification has been approved by Welsh Ministers. The day to day conduct of a new school, once established, is a matter for the appointed Head and governing body, but it would be anticipated that the school would be conducted in accordance with the detail contained in the statutory notice.

To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What are the costs of the reorganisation of the NHS in Wales and will the Minister provide a breakdown for each cost incurred. (WAQ55966)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What costs associated with the NHS reorganisation were incurred by the Welsh Assembly Government and what costs were reimbursed to Local Health Boards. (WAQ55967)

Answer issued on 06 May 2010

The costs of the NHS reorganisation have been managed by NHS organisations within their existing resources. No additional funding was made available by the Welsh Assembly Government, with the exception of £2.897 million funding to Health Boards to enable them to meet the additional audit fees associated with the mid-year accounts. I have put in place a Benefits Realisation Programme to collate the costs of the reorganisation and ensure that the full range of expected benefits are realised.