06/08/2014 - Written Assembly Questions and Answers

Published 08/08/2014   |   Last Updated 08/04/2015

Written Assembly Questions tabled on 30 July 2014 for answer on 6 August 2014

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self identifying Question no. shown in brackets)

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.


To ask the First Minister

Llyr Gruffydd (North Wales): What discussions has the Welsh Government had with the UK Government regarding the devolution of the licensing of gas and oil, in line with the powers held by the Government of Northern Ireland? (WAQ67551W)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

The First Minister (Carwyn Jones): We have not discussed devolution of licensing for gas and oil to Wales. Under the Petroleum Act 1998 the UK Government issue Petroleum Exploration and Development licences (PEDLs) to ‘search and bore for and get’ petroleum. However, prior to any drilling in Wales, the holder of a PEDL would have to acquire the necessary consents including local authority planning permission and authorisations from regulatory bodies including Natural Resources Wales and the Health and Safety Executive.


To ask the Minister for Culture and Sport

Llyr Gruffydd (North Wales): What discussions has the Welsh Government had with the United Kingdom Government regarding the decision to start the process of bidding for licenses to extract shale gas? (WAQ67552W)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

The Minister for Culture and Sport (John Griffiths): Welsh Government regularly discusses all aspects of energy policy with the Department of Energy and Climate Change.


To ask the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport

Llyr Gruffydd (North Wales): Will the Minister provide clarity over who will be responsible for ensuring delivery on Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets in relation to marine pollution? (WAQ67528)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

The Minister for Economy, Science and Transport (Edwina Hart): It is the Welsh Ministers responsibility to develop and implement a programme of Marine measures for Wales. Lead Ministerial responsibility within Welsh Government lies with the Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How many businesses are currently located on the Trawsfynydd site of the Snowdonia enterprise zone, and how many businesses (aside from those already located) have expressed a formal interest in locating at the site since its designation with enterprise zone status? (WAQ67545)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Edwina Hart: There is one main business located at the site. Tentative interest has been shown by others.


Mohammad Asghar (South Wales East): What guarantees, collateral and timescale for repayment have been provided by the Heads of the Valleys Development Company to the Welsh Government regarding the Circuit of Wales project? (WAQ67548)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

Edwina Hart: There is no agreement requiring repayments though there is an existing legal charge over the company to secure financial obligations.


Mohammad Asghar (South Wales East): Will the Minister advise what financial support has been provided to the Heads of the Valleys Development Company by the Welsh Government to support the Circuit of Wales project? (WAQ67549)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

Edwina Hart: An initial grant of £2 million was awarded to support project development. Subsequently, an offer of grant has been made to support construction that is conditional on the promoters first securing all of the private capital required to fund the project.


Mohammad Asghar (South Wales East): What discussions has the Welsh Government had with British motor racing governing bodies regarding the viability of the Circuit of Wales project? (WAQ67550)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

Edwina Hart: Independent due diligence has been conducted by external advisers, including specialists in the sector.


Peter Black (South Wales West): What is the Welsh Government doing to look into a passenger and/or car ferry from south Wales to the south west of England? (WAQ67553)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Edwina Hart: We are not involved in any current proposals in respect of a possible service.


Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on every payment that has been made to the promoters of the Circuit of Wales in the last financial year? (WAQ67557W)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

Edwina Hart: There have been no payments to the promoters of the Circuit of Wales within the last year.


Antoinette Sandbach (North Wales): Will the Welsh Government confirm whether it has directly, or indirectly via finance Wales, provided any further funds to the Heads of the Valleys Development Company Ltd following the initial £2 million loan? (WAQ67558 W)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

Edwina Hart: Yr unig gyllid sydd wedi’i ddarparu yn uniongyrchol gan Lywodraeth Cymru i Gwmni Datblygu Blaenau'r Cymoedd Cyf. Yw’r grant cychwynnol o £2 filiwn, a ddyfarnwyd i’r cwmni yn 2012.


Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): In monetary terms, what is the economic benefit to Wales of the Welsh bottled water industry? (WAQ67560)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Edwina Hart: We are advised by a specialist food and drink consultancy company that work with us that the mineral water retail market in Wales is worth in excess of £15m.


Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): Ahead of the extra platforms opening in Cardiff Central and Cardiff Queen Street next year, does the Welsh Government plan to undertake any marketing/publicity activity to inform passengers of the improvements and extra capacity? (WAQ67562)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Edwina Hart: Network Rail and Arriva Trains Wales, as the infrastructure owner and train operator respectively, will be responsible for promoting the improvements for these schemes. Welsh Government will monitor this activity and input where appropriate.


Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): On what date will the tendering process for the next operator of the north-south air link open? (WAQ67563)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Edwina Hart: The tender process will begin at the appropriate time.


Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): What discussions has the Minister held with the UK Government Department for Transport regarding the specifications and passenger requirements for the new fleet of hybrid trains due to enter service on the Great Western Main Line from 2017? (WAQ67564)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Edwina Hart: I am aware of concerns about the proposed new IEP trains and the operator’s requirement to fulfil its role in ensuring that these concerns are addressed. I have included this issue in my recent feedback to the DfT consultation on the direct award franchise.


To ask the Minister for Education and Skills

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): Will the Minister make a statement on pupils receiving home education who wish to start VRQ diplomas at Further Education Institutions before their 16th birthday? (WAQ67529)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

The Minister for Education and Skills (Huw Lewis): The Welsh Government’s Guide to the Post-16 Planning and Funding Framework, published in October 2013 outlines the funding arrangements for Local Authorities (LAs), school sixth forms and further education institutions (FEI). The guidance states that an FEI wishing to enrol a learner of compulsory school age should seek funding from the LA; as it is they who receive funding through for each learner of compulsory school age. This includes whether the learner is in a maintained school or educated ‘otherwise’, for example home educated.

In exceptional circumstances the Welsh Government may fund full-time post-16 provision for a learner of compulsory school age. The exceptional circumstances include:

i. the learner is not registered or enrolled at a school, other educational establishment or a LA;

ii. provision and facilities (both teaching and non-teaching) must be compatible with the learner’s age, ability and aptitude;

iii. the programme of study must be suitable for pre-16 as well as post-16 learners; and

iv. the enrolment is with the knowledge and agreement of the learner’s parent/carer and the LA.

Where these circumstances are present, the FEI will need to write to my officials in the Planning and Funding Team, to obtain written approval for funding prior to a commitment being given.

In considering this statement you will wish to be aware that the Education Act 1996 defines compulsory school age as ‘any age between 5 and 16’. Section 8(3) of the same Act states that ‘a person ceases to be of compulsory school age at the end of the day which is the school leaving date for any calendar year’. The school leaving date is currently set as the last Friday in June in the school year in which a child reaches the age of 16.’


Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister provide an update regarding Glyndwr University losing the right to sponsor students from overseas? (WAQ67537W)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Huw Lewis: This is a matter for the University and the Home Office and UK Visas and Immigration service. I am aware that the University has submitted its response to the Home Office and I understand the Home Office has 20 working days in which to respond.


Ann Jones (Vale of Clwyd): What assessment has the Minister made of the Auditor General for Wales's report, ‘Young people not in education, employment or training: Findings from a review of councils in Wales’ŵ (WAQ67556)

Answer received on 7 August 2014

The Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology (Ken Skates): I welcome the Wales Audit Office Report on Young People not in Education, Employment or Training: Findings from a Review of Councils in Wales which was published on 10 July 2014.

The timing of the report is unfortunate, as much of the fieldwork the Wales Audit Office carried out in eleven councils, took place during May to July 2013. This was before the publication of the Welsh Government’s Youth Engagement and Progression Framework and Implementation Plan in October 2013.

Overall, the report is positive and it is pleasing to note that the Auditor General recognises that, if implemented successfully, the Framework and Implementation Plan are likely to help reduce the overall number of 16-18 year olds who are NEET.

The report highlights that some councils and their partners were unclear about the councils’ responsibilities, especially for young people aged 19-24. I accept that reducing the number of young people who are NEET 19-24 is more challenging and is impacted by a number of issues, specifically economic and employment factors which fall under the remit of the UK Government. The Welsh Government continues to focus on improving opportunities for our young people and is pleased to see that the proportion of those NEET, aged 19-24, decreased to 21 per cent in 2013, from 23 per cent in 2012.

These latest figures would suggest that Jobs Growth Wales is having a very real impact on reducing youth unemployment in Wales. The number of 19-24 year olds in full or part time employment has increased from 54 per cent in 2012 to 61 per cent in 2013.

My officials are working in partnership with councils, Careers Wales, and providers to strengthen employer engagement in schools, develop qualifications which promote employability skills, and to develop an offer for young people in jobs without training. We will also continue to build on the success of our existing programmes post-16, such as the Jobs Growth Wales and Apprenticeship programmes.


Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on cuts to skills and the Young Recruits programme? (WAQ67559W)

Answer received on 13 August 2014

Ken Skates: The current financial constraints have caused the Welsh Government to make difficult decisions. The reduction in the type and level of funding available to support work based learning in Wales has been made with careful consideration of all available options, with the needs of learners being uppermost in my mind.

Whilst I have needed to make a reduction in the available budget for work based learning, I have been able to maintain funding for the Traineeship programme; thus ensuring that the young people of Wales continue to receive the skills they need to get a job or progress into further learning at a higher level. Additionally, I have been able to maintain apprenticeship funding for learners aged 16-24 and ensure continued support for all-age Higher Apprenticeships.

To date, the Young Recruits Programme (YRP) has successfully stimulated demand from employers to take on new and additional apprentices aged 16-24. During 2013-14, over 5,400 learners were supported under YRP, which meant that the Programme for Government commitment to support 4,000 learners during 2013-15 was exceeded within the first year. In order to continue to offer the programme I have made significant changes to the eligibility criteria. From 1 August 2014, YRP support will be available for new learners who are:

  • Former Jobs Growth Wales (JGW) participants who have progressed onto an apprenticeship (with their JGW employer); or

  • Young learners recruited onto a Welsh Government approved shared apprenticeship.

In making this change I will continue to support progression opportunities for Jobs Growth Wales participants, in addition to recognising the challenges faced by certain employers in Wales, particularly SMEs, in providing the breadth of work experience necessary for the completion of an apprenticeship. However, the future of the YRP remains under review.

Despite the current financial challenges, I remain committed to providing skills training for the people of Wales; particularly in relation to providing traineeship and apprenticeship opportunities for younger entrants.


To ask the Minister for Finance

Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): Does the Welsh Government plan to make any financial assistance towards the Celtic Manor’s planned convention centre? (WAQ67561)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

The Minister for Finance (Jane Hutt): We have awarded support to Celtic Manor 2014 Ltd, which has assisted this company to achieve outline planning consent for the proposed Convention Centre. Discussions regarding the development of this project continue.


To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister make a statement on the number of chairs and vice chairs of Welsh NHS trusts and local health boards who have been or currently are: a) members; b) campaigners; or c) donors of the Welsh Conservative Party, providing the answer by NHS organisation? (WAQ67530)

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister make a statement on the number of members of Welsh NHS trusts and local health boards who have been or currently are: a) members; b) campaigners; or c) donors of the Welsh Conservative Party, providing the answer by NHS organisation? (WAQ67531)

Answer received on 7 August 2014 (WAQ67530/1)

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Mark Drakeford): Of the 10 Chairs and 10 Vice Chairs, none have declared political activity on behalf of the Welsh Conservative Party.

Of the 79 members, none have declared political activity on behalf of the Welsh Conservative Party.

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister make a statement on the number of members of Welsh community health councils who have been or currently are: a) members; b) campaigners; or c) donors of the Welsh Conservative Party, providing the answer by community health council? (WAQ67532)

Answer received on 7 August 2014

Mark Drakeford: There are approximately 130 Community Health Council members who are appointed via the public appointments process. Of these, 1 has declared political activity on behalf of the Conservative Party.


Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister make a statement on the number of chairs and vice chairs of Welsh NHS trusts and local health boards who have been or currently are: a) members; b) campaigners; or c) donors of Plaid Cymru, providing the answer by NHS organisation? (WAQ67533)

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister make a statement on the number of members of Welsh NHS trusts and local health boards who have been or currently are: a) members; b) campaigners; or c) donors of (WAQ67534)

Answer received on 7 August 2014 (WAQ67533-34)

Mark Drakeford: Of the 10 Chairs and 10 Vice Chairs, none have declared political activity on behalf of Plaid Cymru.

Of the 79 members, 2 declared political activity on behalf of Plaid Cymru. These members were from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Public Health Wales NHS Trust.


Aled Roberts (North Wales): What specific psychological support is available in Wales to people with cystic fibrosis following a lung transplantation? (WAQ67538)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): What assessment has the Minister made of the availability of psychological support in Wales to people with cystic fibrosis following a lung transplantation? (WAQ67539)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): How many individuals with cystic fibrosis in Wales are currently on the active waiting list for a lung transplant? (WAQ67540)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): How many individuals with cystic fibrosis in Wales are currently on the active waiting list for a kidney transplant? (WAQ67541)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): How many individuals with cystic fibrosis in Wales are currently on the active waiting list for a liver transplant? (WAQ67542)

Answer received on 7 August 2014 (WAQ67538-42)

Mark Drakeford: There are currently 6 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) on the lung transplant list in Wales.

There are no patients on the liver list although CF is not a common indication for liver transplants, with less than five patients listed in the UK

Cystic fibrosis is not a recorded reason for kidney transplants.

All CF Specialist Centres have a working relationship with a designated lung transplant centre. The ongoing psychosocial needs of patients being considered for transplantation are reviewed by the CF team. The lung transplant centres are responsible for providing the appropriate level of psychological support to all patients going through assessment for lung transplant, subsequent treatment and aftercare. Follow up care is provided at both the transplant centre and the local CF centre.

The Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) continues to work with CF centres to ensure there is the appropriate level of staffing available. Through the CF review WHSSC assessed the staffing level of the required MDT (including psychology) at each CF centre.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What consideration has the Minister given to establishing a GP access fund, such as exists in England, or a similar scheme to reduce pressure on A&E waiting times outside normal GP hours? (WAQ67543)

Answer received on 13 August 2014

Mark Drakeford: I will write to you and a copy of the letter will be put on the internet.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How many Welsh NHS patients have had their treatment undertaken by facilities or services in the English NHS in each of the last four years including the year to date, and how many patients from the English NHS have had their treatment carried out on the Welsh NHS over the same period? (WAQ67544)

Answer received on 13 August 2014

Mark Drakeford: Data on the number of Welsh residents treated in the English NHS and the number of English residents treated in the Welsh NHS are included in the tables below:

1) Welsh NHS patients being treated in the English NHS ​ ​
Admission YearPatientsAdmissions

Numbers of unique patients and unique hospital spells within each admission year ​ ​

For Welsh residents treated in English NHS ​ ​

English Provider Data for 2014/15 is currently not available ​ ​


2) English NHS patients being treated in the Welsh NHS ​ ​
Admission YearPatientsAdmissions
Numbers of unique patients and unique hospital spells within each admission year ​ ​
For English residents treated in Welsh NHS ​ ​
2014/15 data complete until the end of June 2014 ​ ​

Source: Patient Episode Database Wales (PEDW), NHS Wales Informatics Service.

Date Extracted: 04/08/2014


Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): Will the Minister make a statement on the performance of Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board following the latest report by the Health Inspectorate Wales and the Wales Audit Office? (WAQ67547)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Mark Drakeford: I am pleased the review identified that progress has been made, but I acknowledge that many challenges remain which must be addressed with some urgency. I recently met with the Chair of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to discuss current performance and my expectations for delivery this year.

The Health Board continues to implement the recommendations set out in the WAO / HIW report, and are strengthening their Executive Team with clear accountability for delivery.


Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): Will the Minister make a statement on the availablity of enzyme replacement therapy for children with Hunter syndrome in Wales? (WAQ67554)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

Mark Drakeford: In October 2007, the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) appraised idursulfase (Elaprase®), the enzyme replacement therapy for the treatment of patients with Hunter syndrome. They were unable to recommend it for routine use due to the lack of clinical and cost effectiveness data presented by the manufacturer of Elaprase®. AWMSG invited the manufacturer to resubmit further clinical data to enable a review of their decision: to date the company has not responded.

The treatment can be made available via the Individual Patient Funding Request process if the clinician believes the patient would receive significantly more benefit from the treatment than normally expected from other patients with the same condition.

Following the review into the appraisal process for orphan and ultra-orphan medicines for the treatment of rare diseases, such as Hunter syndrome, I asked the AWMSG to develop and implement a whole-system approach tailored specifically to the identification, appraisal and monitoring of orphan and ultra-orphan medicines. The aim is to ensure that patients with rare diseases have fair and equitable access to appropriate, evidence-based treatments. This work is nearing completion and AWMSG will be seeking to engage the manufacturers of orphan and ultra-orphan medicines in this new appraisal process.


To ask the Minister for Housing and Regeneration

Llyr Gruffydd (North Wales): Does the Minister believe that the Assembly has the planning powers to block applications for the exploration or exploitation of unconventional gas in Wales if it so wished? (WAQ67546)

Answer received on 5 August 2014

The Minister for Housing and Regeneration (Carl Sargeant): No.


To ask the Minister for Local Government and Government Business

Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on payments to senior officers in Pembrokeshire County Council? (WAQ67535W)

Answer received on 7 August 2014

The Minister for Local Government and Government Business (Lesley Griffiths): Mater i Gyngor Sir Penfro yw taliadau i uwch-swyddogion gan mai’r Cyngor sy’n eu cyflogi.


Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): What discussions has the Welsh Government had with Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner regarding the closure of police offices in the Mid and West Wales region? (WAQ67536W)

Answer received on 7 August 2014

Lesley Griffiths: I have had no specific discussions on this matter.


Ann Jones (Vale of Clwyd): Will the Minister provide the overall amount of funding allocated by the Welsh Government to Denbighshire County Council in each year since 1999 in real terms? (WAQ67555)

Answer received on 6 August 2014

Lesley Griffiths: The following table shows the amount of Aggregate External Finance paid to Denbighshire in each financial year since 1999-2000. This funding comprises Welsh Government Revenue Support Grant and redistributed NonDomestic Rates. This excludes specific grant funding and capital grants.

waq20140806 67555 table 1.jpg