10/02/2015 - Written Assembly Questions and Answers

Published 04/02/2015   |   Last Updated 17/03/2015

Written Assembly Questions tabled on 3 February 2015 for answer on 10 February 2015

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self identifying Question no. shown in brackets)

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.


To ask the First Minister

Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Will the First Minister publish the figures behind his statement to the Assembly on 3 February that education in Wales receives 8% more funding than education in England? (WAQ68309W)

Answer received on 10 February 2015

The First Minister of Wales (Carwyn Jones) : The figures are sourced from the Country and Regional Analysis published by the Treasury in November last year:


The relevant figures are in table A15 and show that education spending in Wales in 2013-14 was £1,520 per head of the population.  This was 8 per cent higher than in England (£1,410 per head).

These figures include further and higher education spending as well as schools. 

The vast changes that have taken place in England's schools system have meant is has not been possible to compare per pupil spending in recent years


To ask the Minister for Natural Resources

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What guidance does the Welsh Government give to local authorities regarding the provision of food recycling bags? (WAQ68320)

Answer received on 10 February 2015

The Minister for Natural Resources (Carl Sargeant): The Welsh Government has provided guidance on food waste recycling to local authorities in the Municipal Sector Plan and the associated Collections Blueprint.   


To ask the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How many meetings has the Minister held with groups representing the Jewish community in Wales since taking post? (WAQ68313)

Answer received on 12 February 2015

The Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty (Lesley Griffiths):  As the Deputy Chair of the Faith Communities Forum, I met representatives from Cardiff Reform Synagogue and Cardiff United Synagogue at the meeting held on 13 October 2014. The meetings are held bi-annually, the next meeting will be held on 20 April.   I visited Cardiff United Synagogue on 16 October 2014 as part of Hate Crime Awareness Week.  

I also take the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Jewish community regularly at events


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How many meetings has the Minister held with groups representing the Muslim community in Wales since taking post? (WAQ68314)

Answer received on 12 February 2015

Lesley Griffiths: As the Deputy Chair of the Faith Communities Forum, I met representatives from the Muslim Council of Wales at the meeting held on 13 October 2014. The meetings are held bi-annually, the next meeting will be held on 20 April.   I also attended the United Nations Interfaith Week event organised by the Muslim Council of Wales on 4 February 2015.

I also take the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Muslim community regularly at events


To ask the Minister for the Economy, Science and Transport

Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): What assessment has the Minister made of the impact that not going ahead with plans for a gas storage plant in South Hook, Milford Haven will have on the Pembrokeshire economy? (WAQ68308W)

Answer received on 10 February 2015

The Minister for Economy, Science and Transport (Edwina Hart):  I have not made any assessment on the impact of South Hook's decision not to go ahead with plans for a gas storage plant. This is a proposal that has been put on hold and is not a final decision.  I will make my assessment  when a decision has been made.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What steps are being taken by the Welsh Government to ensure that the potential economic impact of hosting Rugby World Cup matches in Cardiff is realised? (WAQ68310)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What steps are being taken by the Welsh Government to ensure that the potential economic impact of hosting an Ashes test in Cardiff is realised? (WAQ68311)

Answer received on 9 February 2015 (WAQ68310-11)

Ken Skates: The Welsh Government engages with partners in the public, private and third sectors to maximise the benefits from hosting major sporting events.  In particular, our major events and sector business teams work closely with event organisers to identify and exploit opportunities for leveraging new business and commercial prospects


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What discussions have been held or are planned by the Minister with the Welsh Rugby Union and Pro Rugby Wales, in relation to the development and safeguarding of the professional game in Wales? (WAQ68312)

Answer received on 9 February 2015

The Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism (Ken Skates):  I have not held any specific discussions with the Welsh Rugby Union nor Pro Rugby Wales in relation to the professional game in Wales as this is purely a matter for them.  However, I am aware that the WRU announced a new Rugby Services Agreement last August which will deliver more than £60 million into the professional game in Wales between now and 2020.   The Regional Services Agreement covers all rugby and player welfare aspects of the game and has introduced National Dual Contracts which are a radical change to the employment structure of professional players and are aimed at encouraging more Welsh players to remain in Wales with one of the regions.   The Agreement will also help sustain and develop professional rugby at regional level in Wales with a view to enhancing the talent available to progress to the senior national squad and from the player development pathway structure into regional rugby.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What discussions has the Minister held with Glamorgan Cricket Club regarding the economic impact of poor weather on the club when hosting international cricket fixtures, and what steps are being taken to mitigate the financial impact on the club where fixtures are abandoned due to poor weather? (WAQ68315)

Answer received on 9 February 2015

Ken Skates: I have held discussions with Glamorgan Cricket Club on a range of matters.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What guidance has the Minister given to local authorities regarding library services and what steps are being taken by the Welsh Government to ensure the public have access to libraries in Wales? (WAQ68318)

Answer received on 9 February 2015

The Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism (Ken Skates): The Welsh Public Library Standards provide local authorities with specific guidance on providing quality library services. To maintain public access to libraries, the Welsh Public Library Standards outline recommended distances to library service points and access to resources remotely among a range of other important aspects. There are also a number of schemes which operate regionally to enable members of the public to access resources in university libraries. The Every Child A Library Member initiative is due to cover all Welsh local authorities by 2016.

In October 2014, I accepted the recommendations of the Expert Review of Public Libraries in Wales. As a consequence, work is underway to provide additional guidance relating to conducting public consultations, Equality Impact Assessments, developing library strategies and the relationship between community managed libraries and the statutory duties of local authorities to deliver 'comprehensive and efficient' library services. At my instigation, the Welsh Local Government Association has provided training to local authorities on conducting Equality Impact Assessments.

The Welsh Government is also promoting the development of libraries as sustainable community hubs delivering co-located services. From April 2015, Welsh Government grants to modernise libraries will only be provided for co-located services


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What steps are being taken by the Welsh Government to ensure that the potential boost to grass roots participation in rugby is achieved due to hosting Rugby World Cup matches? (WAQ68319)

Answer received on 9 February 2015

Ken Skates: The Welsh Government has worked in partnership with the WRU and Cardiff City Council to help bring eight of the forthcoming Rugby World Cup Matches to the Millennium Stadium. This will help raise the profile of the game in Wales and place Wales on the world stage. 

I met recently with the WRU; they are committed to maximising the opportunities of staging World Cup games in Wales and have already have begun work to help stimulate growth in the game at grassroots level by establishing a new unified and aligned pathway system. This focuses on supporting the development of community and elite rugby across Wales providing a structure which supports club, school and representative rugby simultaneously. For example, last autumn, the WRU  launched their school club-hub programme through which, 40 schools and 3 FE colleges employ full time rugby officers to increase participation within schools across Wales which aims to strengthen the links to clubs and improving the sustainability of club rugby and long term player involvement.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What discussions has the Minister held with his counterpart at the UK Government regarding safe standing and would the Minister support any change in the legislation governing ground regulations which could lead to a pilot scheme being held in Wales? (WAQ68322)

Answer received on 9 February 2015

Ken Skates:  Safe standing is not a devolved issue and falls under the responsibility of the Department of Culture Media and Sport.  I have not held discussions with UK Government Ministers but have discussed the matter with the FAW who have advised that safe standing is not an issue in the Welsh Premier League as all grounds have both seating and standing areas.  Clubs such as Swansea City and Cardiff City come under the control of the English FA, therefore the FAW has no influence over them.   

To ask the Minister for Finance and Government Business

Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): What Barnett consequentials has the Welsh Government received during the last year in light of additional funding for transport in England? (WAQ68316)

Answer received on 10 February 2015

The Minister for Finance and Government Business (Jane Hutt): In the last year the Welsh Budget has received consequential funding, as a result of UK Government funding decisions relating to transport, as set out in the table below.

Resource DEL1.2584.462
Capital DEL9.660-


N.B. All figures £M


To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What guidance does the Minister issue to local health boards concerning contracts for vending machines in Welsh hospitals? (WAQ68317)

Answer received on 5 February 2015

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Mark Drakeford): This is a matter for the individual Health Boards and there is no central contract for NHS Wales. Guidance has been issued on the products that should be included in vending machines

To ask the Minister for Public Services

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister outline what consultation of the public will take place prior to any major overhaul of the structure of local government in Wales? (WAQ68321)

Answer received on 5 February 2015

The Minister for Public Services (Leighton Andrews): The White Paper Reforming Local Government: Power to Local People is currently open to consultation. Later this year we will publish a draft Bill on our substantive proposals for Local Government merger and reform.