18/06/2015 - Written Assembly Questions and Answers

Published 12/06/2015   |   Last Updated 24/06/2015

Written Assembly Questions tabled on 11 June 2015 for answer on 18 June 2015

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self identifying Question no. shown in brackets)

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

To ask the Minister for the Economy, Science and Transport

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Did the Minister or her officials disclose or share details surrounding the Ideoba application for financial support/assistance to Mr Goldstone? (WAQ68771)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): On how many occasions, if any, did the Minister discuss the Ideoba application for financial support/assistance with David Goldstone and on how many occasions were similar discussions held between Mr Goldstone and the Minister's officials or civil servants? (WAQ68772)

Answer received on 23 June 2015

The Minister for the Economy, Science and Transport (Edwina Hart): I have been advised by officials that Ideoba suggested that Welsh Government should speak to Mr David Goldstone as they believed him to be a potential investor and an advocate of its new business plan. I have also been advised by the officials concerned that the application was not shared with Mr Goldstone.

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the adequacy of designated parking spaces for those with babies and toddlers and the arrangements for enforcement against motorists who disregard such designations? (WAQ68773)

Answer received on 15 June 2015

The Minister for the Economi, Science and Transport (Edwina Hart): Local authorities are responsible for the provision of designated parking spaces and for any subsequent enforcement against motorists who disregard their parking regulations for those car parks that are the authorities' responsibility. We have published statutory and operational guidance to local authorities on the civil enforcement of parking contraventions. Welsh Ministers have no powers to intervene in disputes with commercial companies, such as supermarkets, regarding shoppers' parking on private land. 

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): Further to the answer to WAQ68707, will the Welsh Government publish a list of the addresses of the 202 premises in Montgomeryshire which have been identified as not being in scope of the Superfast Cymru project or the footprint of commercial superfast broadband providers? (WAQ68774)

Answer received on 23 June 2015

The Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology (Julie James):

Welsh Government does not hold details of the specific premises within each affected postcode, only the numbers of premises affected within the postcode.  This is a function of the Open Market Review process established by UK government

We have published a list of postcodes that fall outside of the Superfast Cymru intervention area and the footprint of commercial superfast broadband providers:


At least one premises in each postcode area will not be covered by either intervention.

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): Further to the answer to WAQ68708, will the Welsh Government confirm whether or not the owners of the 45,887 premises, which have been identified as not being in scope of the Superfast Cymru project or the footprint of commercial superfast broadband providers, have been informed that they are outside the scope of either intervention? (WAQ68775)

Answer received on 23 June 2015

Julie James: Welsh Government does not hold details of the specific premises within each affected postcode, only the numbers of premises affected within the postcode. This is a function of the Open Market Review process established by UK government.

We have published a list of postcodes that fall outside of the Superfast Cymru intervention area and the footprint of commercial superfast broadband providers:


At least one premises in each postcode area will not be covered by either intervention.

Owners and occupiers of the individual premises have not been informed.

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): Further to the answer to WAQ68708, will the Welsh Government publish a list of addresses of the 45,887 premises which have been identified as not being in scope of the Superfast Cymru project or the footprint of commercial superfast broadband providers? (WAQ68776)

Answer received on 23 June 2015

Julie James: Welsh Government does not hold details of the specific premises within each affected postcode, only the numbers of premises affected within the postcode.  This is a function of the Open Market Review process established by UK government.

We have published a list of postcodes that fall outside of the Superfast Cymru intervention area and the footprint of commercial superfast broadband providers:


At least one premises in each postcode area will not be covered by either intervention.

To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister detail the financial position of all Welsh health boards, with specific detail on whether all monies owed to HMRC have been paid on time? (WAQ68769)

Answer received on 23 June 2015

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Mark Drakeford): The Auditor General is expected to lay final health board accounts before the National Assembly for Wales by the end of June. Provisional year-end positions are reported by individual health boards and NHS trusts.

Payments to all creditors as they fall due are the responsibility of health boards.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister detail exactly what additional funds were provided to each health board at the end of the last financial year, either by way of loan or other otherwise? (WAQ68770)

Answer received on 23 June 2015

Mark Drakeford:

Working capital cash provided to health boards in March 2015:

Health board£m
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 3.161
Aneurin Bevan 2.973
Betsi Cadwaladr 6.266
Cardiff and Vale 0.829
Cwm Taf University 2.042
Hywel Dda University 6.284
Powys 0.453


The money provided was cash only and non-repayable – it reflects a timing difference between the issue of resources and the cash requirement for the settlement of liabilities and receipts.

The Welsh Government also provided additional, repayable cash cover in March 2015 to two health boards to enable them to meet normal cash commitments before the financial year-end. The Welsh Government took action to protect patient care and ensure the continuity and quality of services.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board           £20.6m

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board           £10.5m