19/10/2009 - Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 19 October 2009

Published 06/06/2014   |   Last Updated 06/06/2014

Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 19 October 2009

[R] signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.


Questions to the First Minister

Questions to the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport

Questions to the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery

Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Questions to the Minister for Heritage

To ask the First Minister

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): What correspondence or discussions has the First Minister had with the UK Government in the last six months regarding the pensions campaign by former workers of Allied Steel and Wire. (WAQ54986)

Answer issued on 21 October 2009

I have had a series of discussions with UK Government Ministers during the development of the Financial Assistance Scheme, which was established to provide aid to those who, like former ASW workers, had suffered significant losses to their pensions as a result of employer insolvency between 1 January 1997 and 5 April 2005.

To ask the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Nerys Evans (Mid and West Wales): What is the process to apply for funding under the 21st Century Schools Initiative. (WAQ54983)

Answer issued on 20 October 2009

In February this year, I made a statement to Plenary that as part of the 'One Wales’ agenda this Government had made a commitment to deliver schools fit for the 21st Century, and that I proposed to develop a long-term strategic capital investment plan that would refurbish and rebuild every school in Wales.

Implementation of 21st century schools programme will require a significant step change for local authorities as we move away from individual projects to a more strategic approach to capital investment in schools.

To assist Local Authorities in making this step change transitional arrangements for capital funding are being implemented in three separate tranches for the financial years 2009-10 to 2011-2012.

In the first tranche of funding, approved in February 2009, projects were assessed against a state of readiness/achievability to deliver in this current financial year.

In the second tranche of funding approved in July 2009, particular regard was given to the Strategic Case and Financial case of the projects.  In assessing the strategic case, consideration was given to the potential outcomes and benefits of each project such as: impact on school re-organisation places; reduction of surplus places; and ability to deliver efficiency savings.

The third tranche is scheduled to be considered in May 2010 and officials will be providing guidance to all authorities in the New Year, to assist with preparation of their proposals. Following the transition phase the 21st Century Schools Programme will then be implemented. The expectation is that business case submissions will be required in line with the HM Treasury Five Case Business Model. We will look to target investment where there is a state of readiness; but more importantly where there is an identified need. The criteria for this funding is being developed in partnership with the Welsh Local Government Association and Local Authorities.

Decisions on capital investment in schools will rest with individual local authorities based on need and local circumstances.

To ask the Minister for the Economy and Transport

Michael German (South Wales East): Further to the Minister’s answer to WAQ54894, will he please list all the properties purchased together with the price paid for each. (WAQ54982)

Answer issued on 22 October 2009

The table below lists all the properties purchased together with the price paid for each.

Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 19 October 2009


Price Paid

Lower Lakes Farm, Nash


Old Cottage, Magor


Barecroft House, Magor


Pye Corner House, Nash


Ysgwbor Newydd, Coedkernew


Moorbarn House, Nash


Horseshoe Cottage, Magor


The Stud Farm, Coedkernew


The Maerdy, Coedkernew


Long House Farm, Coedkernew


Cae Glas, Nash


Greeenfield House, Nash


Woodlands House, Magor


Undy House, Magor


To ask the Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Further to his answer to WAQ54852, will the Minister advise when he expects the Outline Business Case to be completed. (WAQ54984)

Answer issued on 03 November 2009

I write in relation to your written assembly question WAQ54984 in which you asked on advice as to when the outline business case was expected to be completed.

Currently a date has yet to be determined. Work continues to identify the most cost effective way to undertake essential repairs and refurbishment to the Cathays Park complex while generating savings to the public purse through the rationalisation of the Welsh Assembly Government’s property portfolio in the greater Cardiff area.

Nerys Evans (Mid and West Wales): When is the deadline for the next Strategic Capital Investment Fund round. (WAQ54985)

Answer issued on 21 October 2009

I announced the projects that have been successful in the second tranche of SCIF funding on Tuesday 20th October. No date has been agreed in respect of any future Strategic Capital Investment monies.

Nick Bourne (Mid and West Wales): Further to his answer to WAQ54852, will the Minister advise if the Final Business Case will be brought before the Assembly for discussion prior to any ministerial decision. (WAQ54988)

Answer issued on 03 November 2009

I write in relation to your written assembly question WAQ54988 in which you asked if the Final business case will be brought before the Assembly for discussion prior to any Ministerial decision.

Any decisions relating to the management of the Welsh Assembly Government’s administrative property portfolio is the responsibility of senior officials and the relevant Ministers.

To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How long will the moratorium on existing proposals for changes at the community hospital level stand and what assessment has the Minister made of its benefit to the general public. (WAQ54989)

Answer issued on 15 October 2009

As I indicated in autumn 2007, the First Minister’s moratorium on changes to NHS services (6th June 2007) was lifted following a number of statements I made on reconfiguration proposals for the NHS in Wales.  

As a result, the progress on agreed schemes were not held up, and where there were outstanding issues to be addressed, I commissioned a number of reviews, which I reported on in the spring of 2008.

The moratorium gave an opportunity to reflect on how the NHS might better engage with local people on service changes and the lessons were incorporated in revised interim guidance on consultation, published on the 7 October 2008.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on the number of new nurses given the power to write prescriptions after the One Wales Agenda was announced. (WAQ54990)

Answer issued on 20 October 2009

This information is not held centrally.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What new steps have been taken to develop not-for-profit nursing homes as proposed in the One Wales Agenda. (WAQ54991) Transferred for answer by the Deputy Minister for Housing.

Answer issued on 27 October 2009

The Deputy Minister for Housing (Jocelyn Davies): Your recently tabled a Written Assembly Question regarding what new steps the Assembly Government has taken to develop not-for-profit nursing homes as proposed in the One Wales Agenda. The Minister for Health and Social Services has passed the question to me for response as this One Wales commitment falls within my portfolio.

We have been considering a range of options to identify the best approach to meet this commitment and are developing a 'Resource Centre Model’ in partnership with local authorities and Local Health Boards.

The purpose is to remodel and co-locate services in a single facility. This could involve the development of a range of services on one site including nursing home beds, day care, extra care housing, information centre, office base for community services, GP premises, etc. The nursing home provision itself could fulfil a number of functions including long term beds, transition beds offering rehabilitation, respite beds, or GP beds. The range of services will depend upon local need.

I am convinced that this offers a more flexible way of responding to local needs and should prove an exciting service development particularly in rural communities.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What steps are being taken to ensure the elimination of private sector hospitals used by the NHS in Wales by 2011 and what is being done to ensure the best possible specialist services are retained for patients. (WAQ54992)

Answer issued on 20 October 2009

I refer you to my answer to WAQ54656, 54657, 54658, and 54659 to Jonathan Morgan, which I answered on 12 August 2009.  With regard to your question about specialist care services for patients, it is the responsibility of the NHS organisations to ensure their patients are able to access the NHS services that they need.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement about the total number of nurses given the power in Wales to write prescriptions. (WAQ54993)

Answer issued on 20 October 2009

This information is not held centrally.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement about how many medical specialists the NHS employs in comparison to the private sector. (WAQ54994)

Answer issued on 15 October 2009

We do not collect information about specialists employed in the private sector, therefore I am unable to comment on the comparative figures.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement comparing the total number of doctors able to write prescriptions in Wales against the total number of nurses able to write prescriptions in Wales. (WAQ54995)

Answer issued on 20 October 2009

This information is not held centrally.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on the progress of eliminating the private sector hospitals used by the NHS. (WAQ54996)

Answer issued on 20 October 2009

I refer you to my answer to WAQ54656, 54657, 54658, and 54659 to Jonathan Morgan, which I answered on 12 August 2009.  With regard to your question about specialist care services for patients, it is the responsibility of the NHS organisations to ensure their patients are able to access the NHS services that they need.

To ask the Minister for Heritage

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What progress is the Welsh Assembly Government making with regard to the One Wales commitment to ensure that school children undertake at least five hours of physical activity each week. (WAQ54987)

Answer issued on 21 October 2009

We are working across Ministerial portfolios to increase the number of opportunities for children and young people to be active through play, sport and active recreation. For example, the Sports Council’s extra curricular programme '5X60’ is being rolled out to 98% of secondary schools. The Physical Activity Action Plan we intend to launch in the new year will provide further impetus to our efforts.