23/07/2007 - Answers issued to Members on 23 July 2007

Published 06/06/2014   |   Last Updated 06/06/2014

Answers issued to Members on 23 July 2007

[R] signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

Questions to the Minister for Sustainability and Rural Development

Leanne Wood (South Wales Central): Will the Minister detail the funding provided to local authorities to cover the cost of any insurance premiums for housing after stock transfer? (WAQ50232)

The Minister for Sustainability and Housing (Jane Davidson): I am answering this question as Minister for Sustainability and Housing.

Valleys to Coast is the only full transfer of Council housing stock that has occurred in Wales to date. A review of the cost schedule for the transfer indicates that no insurance premiums were included.

Leanne Wood (South Wales Central): Will the Minister detail any funds allocated by the Assembly Government to deal with the costs of housing stock transfer, by each local authority, including the purpose of the funding? (WAQ50233)

Jane Davidson: I am answering this question as Minister for Sustainability and Housing.

The financial support provided to Valleys to Coast has been set at a minimum level of £3.7 million per annum being the major repairs allowance formerly due to Bridgend Council. This support is likely to terminate with a much reduced payment due in April 2008.

The level of support that may be provided to new LSVT landlords as a result of positive ballot results has not been determined yet.

Leanne Wood (South Wales Central): Will the Minister detail the funding by local authority that the Assembly Government has provided to cover the set up costs of transferring housing stock to a new registered social landlord? (WAQ50234)

Jane Davidson: I am answering this question as Minister for Sustainability and Housing.

Only one local authority in Wales has transferred the whole of its housing stock to a new registered social landlord (RSL). The Welsh Assembly Government provided £2.3 million to cover set up costs incurred during the Bridgend to Valleys to Coast transfer in 2003. This support was provided in accordance with published support criteria to meet the Council’s costs in managing the transfer and bridge funding of the initial costs of establishing the new RSL landlord to the point of transfer.