23/12/2016 - Written Assembly Questions and Answers

Published 19/12/2016   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Written Assembly Questions tabled on 16 December 2016 for answer on 23 December 2016

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self-identifying question no. shown in brackets)

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make available his ministerial diary for Wednesday 14 December? (WAQ71751)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

The Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure (Ken Skates): The information is below:

07:45Breakfast Event - Cardiff Airport
10:00Meeting of Cabinet Sub-Committee on EU Transition
11:00Meeting with FM & Social Partners Strategy Group
11:30Monthly Meeting with Economy & Infrastructure Ministerial Management Board
12:55Train to London
15:30Meeting with Secretary of State for Wales and Chairman & CEO of a prospective inward investor in London
17:15Train to Cardiff

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister confirm how much money has been spent/made available to Cardiff Airport by the Welsh Government since its purchase, including purchase price, professional fees, loan amounts, and any other expenditure associated with the airport holding company? (WAQ71754)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Ken Skates:  The published accounts of the Airport Holding Company can be found at https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08455972/filing-history
There is a Wales Audit Office report published earlier this year, which clearly sets out the purchase price, professional fees associated with the purchase, and the loan amounts.  The report can be found at http://www.audit.wales/publication/welsh-government-acquisition-and-ownership-cardiff-airport .  This information is also reflected in a Public Accounts Committee report published in March 2016.
Grant funding has been offered to Cardiff International Airport Ltd (CIAL) as de minimis aid to support its regulatory compliance requirements in relation to safety and security. The funding has not yet be drawn down by CIAL, but the amount is below the de minimis threshold (€200,000). 
Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What was the total cost to the Welsh Government for the Minister's speech at Cardiff Airport, including refreshments, logistic support, PA system, and all costs incurred in staging the event? (WAQ71755)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Ken Skates: The associated costs for Audio Visual hire and associated logistics were £992 + vat and catering was £503.75 + vat.  
Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How efficient is the Ford Bridgend plant in comparison to its sister engine plants across Europe and will the Minister provide details of the Bridgend plant's performance, given his statement in WAQ71655? (WAQ71756)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Ken Skates:  The Welsh Government does not hold such figures which are, of course, commercially sensitive.  My Officials continue to work very closely with the Company, with the common goal of increasing productivity and efficiency levels, thereby improving overall competitiveness.

I am pleased to note that in 2016, the Bridgend plant produced its 20 millionth engine.  I am sure you will join me in congratulating the company on its success.


To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to WAQ71579, will the Minister provide further information on the 'support for provision of genetic evaluation services through Signet'? (WAQ71735)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs (Lesley Griffiths): Breeders are encouraged to use performance recording in their flocks and the opportunity to take advantage of performance recording is facilitated through Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC). HCC support the provision of genetic evaluation information for breeders in Wales and provide a contribution towards the cost of CT Scanning. This service is available to all breeders in Wales.
A review of the Welsh Mountain Index was also undertaken during 2016 and was subsequently updated to provide more accurate information for breeders who are actively engaged in breed improvement through Signet.

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to WAQ71605, will the Minister outline whether the Welsh Government intends to revisit the Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Wales) Regulations 2014? (WAQ71736)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The Welsh Government does not intend to revisit the Welfare of Animals at Time of Killing (Wales) Regulations 2014 (The Regulations).
The Regulations implement EC Regulation 1099/2009 on the Protection of Animals at Time of Killing. They reflect the most recent scientific standards and place greater responsibility on the slaughterhouse operator for the welfare of the animals, in addition to standard operating procedures for all handling and killing operations. 

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to WAQ71602, will the Minister provide an update on the work of the Wales Tree and Plant Health Steering Group? (WAQ71737)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The Wales Tree and Plant Health Steering Group are currently focusing their work on the management of woodlands affected by Phytophthora ramorum and Chalara Dieback of Ash in Wales. 

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to WAQ71528, can the Minister provide an update on her statement that 'Officials are working with Seafish and industry to develop an action plan to deliver the goals of the strategy' with any timescales involved? (WAQ71738)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: Officials from Marine and Fisheries Division are working as part of the Seafish Wales Advisory Group to develop an action plan to deliver the strategy.
At present Seafish, Industry representatives and officials are working through the details of an action plan.
As indicated in my response to WAQ71604, Seafish will be publishing written reports on progress against the Key Targets and Actions in the Strategy which will publicly available on the Seafish Website.

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'The Need for and Possible Implementation of a Workable System of CCTV in All Slaughterhouses in Wales' report, will the Minister outline what guidance is offered to the abattoir industry to monitor transportation injuries to animals? (WAQ71739)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The Food Standards Agency are responsible for the delivery, monitoring and enforcement of animal welfare standards within the Welsh abattoir industry on behalf of the Welsh Government.

The Manual for Official Controls produced by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) provides details of the tasks, responsibilities and duties which FSA staff and veterinary contractors undertake in slaughterhouses.

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'The Need for and Possible Implementation of a Workable System of CCTV in All Slaughterhouses in Wales' report, will the Minister outline whether the Welsh Government intends to review the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (Wales) Order 2007? (WAQ71740)

Answer received on 5 January 2017.

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs (Lesley Griffiths): The Welsh Government does not intend to review the Welfare of Animal (Transport) Order 2007 at this time, which implements EC Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations.
A partnership approach is being adopted by the Food Standards Agency, Animal Plant Health Agency and the Local Authorities. Improved reporting procedures, communications and evidence gathering have been initiated ensuring appropriate action is taken.  

My officials will continue to monitor the delivery of animal welfare standards during transport in line with the Animal Health and Welfare Framework Implementation Plan 2016/17.  

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'The Need for and Possible Implementation of a Workable System of CCTV in All Slaughterhouses in Wales' report, will the Minister outline what steps the Welsh Government is taking to monitor the condition of abattoir sites across Wales? (WAQ71741)

Answer received on 5 January 2017.

Lesley Griffiths: All abattoirs in Wales are subject to Food Standards Agency (FSA) approval prior to commencing slaughter operations. The FSA monitors, delivers and enforces the regulatory standards at all abattoirs on behalf of the Welsh Government.

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'The Need for and Possible Implementation of a Workable System of CCTV in All Slaughterhouses in Wales' report, will the Minister outline what financial assistance the Welsh Government will make available to assist small sites who wish to invest in monitoring equipment? (WAQ71742)

Answer received on 5 January 2017.

Lesley Griffiths: The Welsh Government will consider all appropriate options including financial assistance but I wish to seek the views of the Animal Health and Welfare Framework Group before deciding any specific actions.

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): In light of 'The Need for and Possible Implementation of a Workable System of CCTV in All Slaughterhouses in Wales' report's specific comment that "welfare of animals during transport to slaughter is an area of concern", what new action is the Welsh Government now considering? (WAQ71743)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework Implementation Plan for 2016/17 includes specific actions and a description of how the Welsh Government will make progress on the welfare of animals during transport to slaughter.
The mid-year review of the Implementation Plan will be published in early 2017.


Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): When does the Minister next intend to meet with the Safeguarding Animal Welfare at Slaughter Task and Finish Group to discuss the welfare of animals during slaughter? (WAQ71744)

Answer received on 5 January 2017.

Lesley Griffiths: My office is arranging a mutually convenient date.    

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Will the Minister confirm the membership of the Safeguarding Animal Welfare at Slaughter Task and Finish Group? (WAQ71745)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The Safeguarding Animal Welfare at Slaughter Task and Finish Group comprises a broad range of industry representatives reflecting the diverse range of Welsh abattoir businesses.  The Task and Finish Group members were:

  • Cig Oen Caron
  • William Lloyd Williams & Son
  • Association of Independent Meat Suppliers
  • British Meat Processors Association
  • National Federation of Meat and Food Traders
  • Food Standards Agency – Wales
  • Welsh Government officials

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'Mobile Animal Exhibits, including Circuses' will the Minister clarify what 'routine inspection[s]' will be implemented and how often these would take place? (WAQ71746)

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'Mobile Animal Exhibits, including Circuses, will the Minister now provide a clear definition of a mobile animal exhibit, and a list of any exceptions to the definition of a mobile animal exhibit? (WAQ71747)

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'Mobile Animal Exhibits, including Circuses', will the Minister provide a list of the key stakeholders that she will be consulting with, prior to a public consultation? (WAQ71748)

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'Mobile Animal Exhibits, including Circuses', will the Minister confirm what impact any new changes will have to the Welsh Government's codes of practice? (WAQ71749)

Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire): Further to the written statement 'Mobile Animal Exhibits, including Circuses', will the Minister confirm whether she intends to produce a draft code of practice for mobile animal exhibits? (WAQ71750)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: As stated in my Written Statement, a full public consultation will take place next year. Many of the issues you raise are being considered as part of the consultation process. 

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): In reply to WAQ71521, and subsequent letter, will the Minister confirm that, of the £1.82 m commitment, £1,280,000 is spent on staffing costs, leaving a remainder of £540,000 to directly invest in supporting activity? (WAQ71757)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: I confirm the figures quoted are correct. The nature of LEADER activity requires a high volume of capacity building, networking and engagement at a local level. The staff costs of £1,280,000 represent the funding of local animators, thematic officers supporting work on the 5 LEADER themes, regeneration officers and support staff. 
Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister outline what meetings officials have had with Western Power in relation to improving capacity to the grid for renewable energy projects in Wales, providing dates and times for the last six months? (WAQ71758)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: Officials have been in regular contact with Western Power Distribution since the issue of limited capacity for new renewable energy schemes first emerged in 2013.  In the last six months officials have met WPD twice to specifically discuss this issue.  These meetings were held on 5/5/16 between 10:30 and 12:30 and 15/9/16 between 12:30 and 2. Officers from Welsh funded services such as the Local Energy Service and Green Growth Wales are also active in addressing project specific grid connection issues.
Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Following the statement on new scallop fishing in Cardigan Bay, will the Minister provide details of which stakeholders her officials are collaborating with to proceed with implementation? (WAQ71759)

Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Following the statement new scallop fishing in Cardigan Bay, will the Minister set out when the consultation opens and closes, who will be eligible to participate and how stakeholders can participate? (WAQ71760)

Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales): Following the statement on new scallop fishing in Cardigan Bay, will the Minister set out when the advisory board will be established, its remit and who will be eligible for membership? (WAQ71761)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

Lesley Griffiths: We are in the process of establishing a Task & Finish Group which will be involved with considering the detail and technical aspects of the permit scheme. At present we are finalising membership and the Terms of Reference for this group and the first meeting will be convened in January. This group will report its findings via the Wales Marine & Fisheries Advisory Group and Wales Marine Stakeholder Advisory Group.
The design of the advisory board will take place in early summer, following advice from the Task & Finish Group.

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on the consultation process around the transitional arrangements for business rates, explaining, in particular, why this period was available for only five weeks? (WAQ71752)
Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister confirm what organisations were directly engaged with the process around the transitional arrangements for business rates and will he furthermore confirm that stakeholders were not limited to CBI and County Councils? (WAQ71753)

Answer recieved on 5 January 2017

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government (Mark Drakeford): I will write to you and a copy of the letter will be put on the internet. 

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Education

Lynne Neagle (Torfaen): When does the Minister expect the results of the Valuation Office Agency condition survey of schools in Wales to be made available to local authorities and Diocesan authorities? (WAQ71734)

Answer received on 23 December 2016

The Cabinet Secretary for Education (Kirsty Williams): The results of the survey were shared with local authorities and Diocesan authorities on the 22 December 2016.