28/08/2007 - Answers issued to Members on 28 August 2007

Published 06/06/2014   |   Last Updated 06/06/2014

Answers issued to Members on 28 August 2007

[R] signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.Contents

Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Economy and Transport

Questions to the Minister for Heritage

Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Economy and Transport

Andrew R.T. Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on the time frame that consultants are currently working towards in relation to transport options for improving access to Cardiff International Airport and the METRIX development at St Athan? (WAQ50303)

The Deputy First Minister and Minister for Economy and Transport (Ieuan Wyn Jones): We are looking at options for improving access to Cardiff International Airport and the southern part of the Vale of Glamorgan. The consultants’ programme is public exhibitions/workshops this autumn, a public consultation next summer and an announcement on the preferred option(s) by the end of 2008.

Andrew R.T. Davies (South Wales Central): Does the Welsh Assembly Government have plans to create a public transport hub at Cardiff Gate for traffic coming into Cardiff from the east, similar to that which is being planned for junction 33 of the M4? (WAQ50304)

Ieuan Wyn Jones: We have no plans to create a public transport hub at Cardiff Gate.

Andrew R.T. Davies (South Wales Central): What discussions has the Minister had regarding alleviating social disorder and anti-social behaviour on public transport? (WAQ50305)

Ieuan Wyn Jones: I have written to you and a copy of the letter will be placed on the intranet and internet.

David Melding (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on plans by the Welsh Assembly Government to invest £11 million in the Gull Triphibiandroid Amphibian Drone project? (WAQ50306)

Ieuan Wyn Jones: We are not investing £11 million in this sea plane. The Welsh Assembly Government, together with the UK Government, regional and industry bodies and academia, is a partner in the ASTRAEA (Autonomous Systems Technology Related Airborne Evaluation and Assessment) research and development programme on unmanned technologies. As announced in July 2006, we are providing approximately £3 million over three years on programme related activities looking at different aspects of operation of unmanned systems. One such project involves an industry partner in ASTRAEA, Flight Refuelling Limited, which will be using a Gull sea plane to carry out associated flying and technology trials.

Questions to the Minister for Heritage

Mike German (South Wales East) What assessment has the Minister made of the effect of the closure of Blaenavon swimming pool by Torfaen County Borough Council on the regeneration challenge, particularly its aims to improve levels of physical activity, particularly in disadvantaged communities? (WAQ 50297)

The Minister for Heritage (Rhodri Glyn Thomas): The Welsh Assembly Government is fully committed to creating opportunities that will improve levels of physical activity in disadvantaged areas throughout Wales. Over the last three years over £1.5 million has been invested by our Sports Council for Wales in the Torfaen area in a range of projects that support participation in sport and physical activity.

The decision to close Blaenavon swimming pool was made by Torfaen County Borough Council as a result of the recreation centre suffering storm damage and it is, of course, regrettable. However, I understand that the council has offered to work with local residents to look at alternative ways of meeting community needs.

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Did the Minister respond to HM Treasury’s document 'Unclaimed assets distribution mechanism: a consultation’? If he responded, when was the reply sent? (WAQ50308)

Rhodri Glyn Thomas: Officials responded on my behalf on 6 August 2007, reiterating comments made by the Welsh Assembly Government prior to the publication of the consultation paper.