31/10/2016 - Written Assembly Questions and Answers

Published 25/10/2016   |   Last Updated 25/08/2017

Written Assembly Questions tabled on 24 October 2016 for answer on 31 October 2016

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self-identifying question no. shown in brackets)

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): What steps are being taken to ensure that Tidal Energy Ltd does not go into liquidation and that a new buyer can be found? (WAQ71319)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): How much Welsh Government and European funding has been awarded to Tidal Energy Ltd (TEL) via investments and grants?  (WAQ71320)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Minister make a statement on Tidal Energy Ltd (TEL) which went into administration on 24 October? (WAQ71321)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): In its application for £8m of EU funding, what were Tidal Energy Ltd's goals and how many, if any, of these goals have been achieved to date? (WAQ71322)

Answer received on 1 November 2016

The Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure (Ken Skates): Tidal Energy Ltd (TEL) went into administration on 17 October 2016. Begbies Traynor, the administrator for TEL, is actively seeking a buyer for the company.  The Welsh Government is working closely with the administrator to support its search for a buyer, providing them with introductions to possible investors and companies with an interest in the marine energy sector.  The Welsh Governmentwill also provide ReAct support to the 4 employees of the company affected by the news.  All of the company's employees are currently being retained by the administrator as this will assist the trade sale process

If a buyer for the company can not be found, the company have informed us that there are a number of marine technology companies who have an interest in purchasing their assets, including the Ramsey Sound test site.  The Welsh Government will support the administrator's search to ensure assets are used for the benefit of the marine industry in Wales.  This will be through Welsh Government established networks in the marine energy industry including academia and the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult centre.
TEL was supported with EU Structural Funds 2007–2014 of £7.99 million to develop, build, deploy and test a tidal energy device called Deltasteam, in a real environment. The Welsh Government also invested £49,000 through its SMARTCymru Research, Development and Innovation funding scheme to support the design of a removable nacelle.
The scheme fulfilled its objective with the successful deployment of the 0.5MW device off Ramsay Sound, Pembrokeshire in December 2015. The device was connected to the grid network and produced electricity from the ocean, being a key milestone for the company and the development of tidal marine technology.

The demonstration phases also supported learning for the marine renewable energy industry by providing opportunities to stakeholders and regulators to better understand how the local environment of Pembrokeshire can accommodate marine energy renewables. It also supported learning in the local supply chain, building up workforce expertise in preparation for the increase in demand for marine renewable energy that is now emerging.

Suzy Davies (South Wales West): During the closure of Junction 41 of the M4, what data has the Welsh Government received about changes to movements of traffic? (WAQ71323)

Suzy Davies (South Wales West): During the closure of Junction 41 of the M4 what data has the Welsh Government received about air quality? (WAQ71324)

Suzy Davies (South Wales West): What information about the use of the Port Talbot peripheral distributor road has the Welsh Government received during the closure of Junction 41 of the M4? (WAQ71325)

Answer received on 1 November 2016

Ken Skates: The evaluation report into the trial closure provides the data and analysis requested. The report is available at the following link:



To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport

Lynne Neagle (Torfaen): Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's position on making Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) drugs available through the NHS in Wales? (WAQ71315)

Answer received on 1 November 2016

The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport (Vaughan Gething): The Welsh Government has commissioned Public Health Wales to convene an independent HIV expert group to review the evidence in relation to pre-exposure prophylaxis provision. The group will provide recommendations by the end of the calendar year.

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government

Suzy Davies (South Wales West):  What expectations does the Welsh Government have for the way local authorities engage with residents about council tax levels? (WAQ71316)

Answer received on 1 November 2016

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government (Mark Drakeford): The pressures on budgets mean it is more important than ever that authorities engage with local people in making decisions about how local resources are raised, prioritised and spent. With our encouragement, local authorities are increasingly undertaking public consultation exercises as part of the process of setting budgets and council tax levels.


Suzy Davies (South Wales West):  What advice and guidance does the Welsh Government provide to local authorities regarding how to engage with residents about service satisfaction? (WAQ71317)

Answer received on 1 November 2016

Mark Drakeford: For example, the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 requires local authorities to engage with people to find out how satisfied they are with the care and support they receive and whether their experience of using the service has contributed to improving their well-being.
Such advice and guidance is provided in relation to specific services which are discharged by local authorities.


Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Cabinet Secretary please provide details of all Welsh Government funding provided to supported living provider Drive Ltd in the past 5 years? (WAQ71318)

Answer received on 1 November 2016

Mark Drakeford: Welsh Government provided grant funding of £1,500, under the ReAct scheme, in both 2012-13 and 2013-14 to Drive Ltd. No other funding has been provided in the past 5 years.