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Who make decisions on issues for Wales
This miner’s son from a small West Wales village became one of the most influential politicians in Post War Britain and the first ever Secretary of...
The Local Government and Housing Committee is urging the Welsh Government to provide more money to save local services.
Senedd committee highlights concerns about a lack of funding certainty and need to embed the voluntary sector in emergency response as areas to imp...
The Senedd’s Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee is calling for the commissioning of new statues or commemorative artworks in Wale...
The Local Government and Housing Committee's new report calls for more support to encourage people from under-represented backgrounds to stand for...
The Final Report of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (LDBC) recommends that Higher Kinnerton and Hope are merged into a two-me...
Minister for Education, Kirsty Williams, has announced the planned re-opening of schools on 29th June. From Monday 22nd June, the opening hours of...
The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales have extremely advanced proposals, now with the Welsh Government, which move Forge Mill estat...
The people of Wales are calling upon the Welsh Assembly to freeze council tax due to the unprecedented pandemic COVID -19 The people of Wales...
In January 2024 a report into the culture at South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) revealed “serious deficiencies” in the service including the...
On Tuesday 9 July, the Senedd will have its second opportunity to amend the Local Government Finance (Wales) Bill. The Bill places a duty on Welsh...
Reforming local government finance and local taxation has long been on the political agenda. Despite incremental changes to local taxation law sinc...
Europeans who lived in the UK before Brexit had to apply to stay before 30 June 2021. Though that deadline was nearly three years ago, the UK Gov...
www.senedd.wales Welsh Parliament Senedd Research Local Government Finance (Wales) Bill Bill Summary January 2024 The Welsh Parliament is the democratically elected body that represents the...
www.senedd.wales Welsh Parliament Senedd Research Quick guide to the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 Research Briefing October 2021 http://www.senedd.wales The Welsh Parli...
National Assembly for Wales Senedd Research www.assembly.wales/research Public service reform in post-devolution Wales: a timeline of local government developments Research Briefing Sep...