OPIN-2008- 0055 - NDCS 'Change Your World' - A Voice for Young Deaf People in Wales

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014


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OPIN-2008- 0055 - NDCS 'Change Your World' - A Voice for Young Deaf People in Wales

Raised By:

Ann Jones


Kirsty Williams 30/06/2008

Joyce Watson 30/06/2008

Jenny Randerson 30/06/2008

Mark Isherwood 30/06/2008

Trish Law 01/07/2008

NDCS 'Change Your World' - A Voice for Young Deaf People in Wales

That this Assembly:

> Commends all deaf children and young people in Wales who got involved in the National Deaf Children’s Society’s (NDCS) largest ever consultation with deaf children: 'Change Your World.'

>Acknowledges that the results of this presents a unique insight into the opinions of young deaf people on issues that affect them;

>Supports the NDCS as it develops its 'Big Plans' for Wales’ deaf children and young people;

>Thanks those who attended the NDCS launch in the Assembly on Tuesday 17 June 2008, and commits to listening to the results.