OPIN-2008- St John Cymru-Wales (Celebrating 90 years of service in Wales)

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014


R Signifies the Member has declared an interest

OPIN-2008- 0010 - St John Cymru-Wales (Celebrating 90 years of service in Wales)

Raised By:

Lorraine Barrett


Irene James 05/02/2008

Mark Isherwood 05/02/2008

Lesley Griffiths 05/02/2008

Sandy Mewies 05/02/2008

Val Lloyd 05/02/2008

Jenny Randerson 05/02/2008

Gwenda Thomas 05/02/2008

Joyce Watson 06/02/2008

Kirsty Williams 06/02/2008

Rosemary Butler 06/02/2008

Janice Gregory 06/02/2008

Gareth Jones 07/02/2008

Mike German 13/02/2008

Nerys Evans 19/02/2008

Mick Bates 07/04/2008

St John Cymru-Wales (Celebrating 90 years of service in Wales)

That this Assembly:

a) Recognises the tremendous work that St John Wales has achieved and delivered over the past 90 years across Wales

b) Further recognises that St John Wales has 4,663 volunteers who dedicate around 20,000 hours of their time to enable over 10,000 people to be treated annually

c) Is aware that St John Wales has the fastest growing Patient Transport Service (PTS) in Wales, transporting up to 10,000 patients with a high standard of care

d) Is aware of the services and training programmes that they offer to both young people and adults details of which can be found at www.stjohnwales.co.uk