OPIN-2009-0061 - Breathe Easy Week 2009

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014


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OPIN-2009-0061 - Breathe Easy Week 2009

Raised By:

Val Lloyd


Janice Gregory 17/06/2009

Lorraine Barrett 17/06/2009

Ann Jones 17/06/2009

Sandy Mewies 17/06/2009

William Graham 17/06/2009

Peter Black 17/06/2009

Mick Bates 17/06/2009

Rosemary Butler 17/06/2009

Christine Chapman 19/06/2009

Paul Davies 19/06/2009

Nick Ramsay 18/06/2009

Mark Isherwood 18/06/2009

Janet Ryder 24/06/2009

Trish LAw 24/06/2009

Joyce Watson 25/06/2009

Rhodri Glyn Thomas 01/07/2009

Dai Lloyd 01/07/2009

Gareth Jones 01/07/2009

Bethan Jenkins 01/07/2009

Leanne Wood 01/07/2009

Helen Mary Jones 01/07/2009

Chris Franks 01/07/2009

Mohammad Asghar 01/07/2009

Nerys Evans 01/07/2009

Breathe Easy Week 2009

This Assembly:

Welcomes the British Lung Foundation Wales’ Breathe Easy Week taking place from 15thJune until the 19th June 2009.

Breathe Easy groups throughout Wales will highlight how important the availability of comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation classes are to the wellbeing of people with respiratory conditions.

We support the call made by the British Lung Foundation Wales that adequately financed pulmonary rehabilitation and follow on exercise classes should be made available to everyone in Wales who would benefit from them