OPIN-2010-0060 – Fair Spending for Disabled People

Published 07/06/2014   |   Last Updated 07/06/2014


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OPIN-2010-0060 – Fair Spending for Disabled People

Raised By:

Ann Jones


Irene James 15/10/2010

Sandy Mewies 18/10/2010

Christine Chapman 19/10/2010

Rosemary Butler 20/10/2010

Joyce Watson 20/10/2010

Lorraine Barrett 20/10/2010

Val Lloyd 20/10/2010

Jeff Cuthbert 20/10/2010

Janet Ryder 20/10/2010

Karen Sinclair 21/10/2010

Lynne Neagle 21/10/2010

Andrew Davies 21/10/2010

Gareth Jones 22/10/2010

Mick Bates 02/11/2010

Fair Spending for Disabled People

This Assembly:

• Is concerned that while preparing public spending cuts, the UK Government has not adequately assessed their impact on disabled people.

• Notes that many disabled people face challenges gaining employment and rely on state financial support to help with the extra living costs associated with their disability.

• Believes the Comprehensive Spending Review proposals should be subject to a robust disability impact assessment.

• Urges Welsh Assembly Government to work with Westminster Government to ensure spending cuts will not exacerbate poverty and the exclusion of disabled people.