OPIN-2012-0115 - International Ataxia Awareness Day

Published 10/06/2014   |   Last Updated 10/06/2014


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OPIN-2012-0115 - International Ataxia Awareness Day

Raised By:

Rebecca Evans


Mark Isherwood 24/09/2012

Mike Hedges 24/09/2012

David Rees 24/09/2012

William Powell 25/09/2012

Kirsty Williams 25/09/2012

Ken Skates 25/09/2012

Andrew RT Davies 25/09/2012

Dafydd Elis-Thomas 25/09/2012

Aled Roberts 25/09/2012

Julie James 25/09/2012

Peter Black 26/09/2012

Christine Chapman 01/10/2012

Joyce Watson 08/10/2012

International Ataxia Awareness Day, 25th September 2012

This Assembly:

i) notes that

  • ataxia refers to a group of neurological disorders that affect balance, coordination, and speech;

  • there are many different types of ataxia that can affect people in different ways;

  • obtaining an accurate diagnosis can be difficult; and

  • some types of ataxia are among the 6,000+ rare diseases

ii) recognises

  • the importance of raising awareness and understanding of rare diseases including ataxia amongst medical and social care professionals, other frontline workers, and the general public; and

  • the good work of people affected by ataxia and their supporters in raising awareness and understanding of the condition in Wales.