OPIN-2013-0160 Protection of Workers Bill

Published 10/06/2014   |   Last Updated 10/06/2014


R Signifies the Member has declared an interest

OPIN-2013-0160 Protection of Workers Bill

Raised By:

Mike Hedges


Mick Antoniw 07/03/2013

Ann Jones 07/03/2013

Rebecca Evans 07/03/2013

Keith Davies 07/03/2013

David Rees 07/03/2013

Sandy Mewies 08/03/2013

Jenny Rathbone 08/03/2013

Peter Black 08/03/2013

Joyce Watson 11/03/2013

Lynne Neagle 20/03/2013

Protection of Workers Bill

This Assembly:

•Recognises that every year, a high level of shopworkers in Wales suffer from violence, threats and abuse in the course of their employment;

•Strongly believes that no person whose job brings them into face-to-face contact with the public should be attacked, abused or threated;

•Acknowledges Usdaw’s “Freedom From Fear” campaign in highlighting violence against shopworkers;

•Welcomes the Protection of Worker Bill tabled by Graeme Morrice MP, which creates an additional penalty for those who assault shopworkers in the course of their duties;

•Urges all Welsh MPs to support the Protection of Workers Bill in a future Parliamentary vote.