OPIN-2013-0163 Commonwealth Day

Published 10/06/2014   |   Last Updated 10/06/2014


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OPIN-2013-0163 Commonwealth Day

Raised By:

Rebecca Evans


Keith Davies 11/03/2013

Mike Hedges 11/03/2013

Darren Millar 11/03/2013

Mohammad Asghar 11/03/2013

David Rees 11/03/2013

Joyce Watson 11/03/2013

Simon Thomas 11/03/2013

David Melding 13/03/2013

Christine Chapman 13/03/2013

Mark Isherwood 13/03/2013

Gwenda Thomas 15/03/2013

Commonwealth Day

This Assembly:

Recognises Commonwealth Day as an opportunity to celebrate this unique organisation of 54 states, representing 30% of the world's people.

Welcomes the agreement of all Heads of State to adopt a Commonwealth Charter which sets out basic values that the people of the Commonwealth believe in and which they expect their governments to support and protect.

Calls on Commonwealth leaders to uphold democracy and human rights, promote tolerance and respect, protect the environment, provide access to health, education and food, and recognise the positive role of young people in promoting these and other values.