OPIN-2015-0359 Freedom to change religion or belief

Published 21/10/2015   |   Last Updated 16/11/2015


TABLED ON 21/10/15

R Signifies the Member has declared an interest

OPIN-2015-0359 Freedom to change religion or belief

Raised By:

Darren Millar


Mohammad Asghar (21/10/15)
Paul Davies (21/10/15)
Suzy Davies (21/10/15)
Russell George (21/10/15)
Mike Hedges (22/10/15)
Bethan Jenkins (02/11/15)
Llyr Gruffydd (4/11/15)
Jeff Cuthbert (6/11/15)
Peter Black (6/11/15)

Freedom to change religion or belief

The National Assembly for Wales:

Recognises that the individual's right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion includes the freedom to change a religion or belief;

Believes that this includes the right not to have a religious belief;

Notes the excellent relationships that exist between Wales's faith leaders, facilitated by participation in bodies such as the Faith Communities Forum, the Cross Party Group on Faith and the Interfaith Council for Wales; and

Acknowledges and supports the collaborative and inclusive work being done among faith groups to enable healthy dialogue on this important issue of religious conversion.