TABLED ON 14/06/16
R Signifies the Member has declared an interest
OPIN-2016-0008 Memorial for Margaret Mackworth
Raised By:
Steffan Lewis
Angela Burns 14/06/16
Adam Price 14/06/16
Sian Gwenllian 14/06/16
Jayne Bryant 14/06/16
Neil McEvoy 14/06/16
Hefin David 14/06/16
Vikki Howells 14/06/16
Bethan Jenkins 15/6/16
Llyr Gruffydd 17/6/16
David Melding 20/06/16
Joyce Watson 27/06/16
Memorial for Margaret Mackworth
This Assembly:
1. Notes that 20th July marks 58 years since the death of Margaret Mackworth, later 2nd Viscountess Rhondda, one of Wales' leading suffragettes.
2. Recognises her bravery as an activist at the forefront of the suffrage movement and her lifetime of campaigning for gender equality.
3. Calls for a permanent memorial to mark her contribution in the seat of Welsh democracy, the National Assembly for Wales, by the time of the 60th anniversary of her death.