TABLED ON 23/06/16
R Signifies the Member has declared an interest
OPIN-2016-0011 Celebrating 15 years of Glas Cymru
Raised By:
Dafydd Elis-Thomas
Lynne Neagle 28/06/16
David Rees 28/06/16
Huw Irranca-Davies 29/06/16
Llyr Gruffydd 29/06/16
Hefin David 30/06/16
Nick Ramsay 26/09/16
Dawn Bowden 26/09/16
Vikki Howells 27/09/16
Joyce Watson 27/09/16
Celebrating 15 years of Glas Cymru
This Assembly:
Congratulates Glas Cymru on the fifteenth anniversary of its acquisition of Welsh Water;
Recognises Welsh Water for being the first, and still the only, not-for-profit utility company which reinvests financial gains for the benefit of customers and the environment;
Further congratulates Welsh Water on its delivery of below retail price index inflation bill increases for the last seven years, and the sector-leading support it provides to those genuinely struggling to pay;
Congratulates Glas Cymru on fiftheen successful years and believes that its business model is one that the company's three million customers can be proud of and trust.