TABLED ON 11/07/16
R Signifies the Member has declared an interest
OPIN-2016-0013 Level crossing safety in Wales
Raised By:
Lynne Neagle
Mohammad Asghar 12/07/16
Mark Isherwood 12/07/16
Steffan Lewis 12/07/16
David Rowlands 12/07/16
Vikki Howells 12/07/16
Huw Irranca-Davies 12/07/16
Dawn Bowden 12/07/16
Simon Thomas 13/07/16
Dai Lloyd 13/07/16
Joyce Watson 27/09/16
Level crossing safety in Wales
This Assembly:
Notes that:
- there are approximately 6,500 level crossings on the GB rail network, including around 1,100 in Wales;
- between 2009 and 2014 there were 28 deaths at level crossings;
- although the number of incidents at level crossings has been reduced, there were 275 reported incidents on the Wales Route in the past year.
Welcomes Network Rail's 'Dangerous Ground' campaign and supports their work to promote level crossing and railway safety in Wales.